Chapter 2- Reawakening, Part 2

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I felt myself fall to the ground. I admired the blue sky of the mountain sector. "Got any rides for me?"

"Rides?" Alex echoed in my ear.

"This is going to be a long day." I gave Alex some instructions and once he pressed enter, the overbike materialised in front of me. I jumped on and rode east.

I saw Mia, Lyoko and Rick, each bearing a great resemblance to their parents, fighting two tarantulas.
Kyoko was a yellow ninja who threw Shurikens at her opponents. She had a large half sleeve shirt which stopped above her belly button , and long, dark red sleeveless gloves. Under her shirt, she wore a dress which stopped mid thigh. She also wore black thighs and red boots.
Rick was a wolf, with a grey sleeveless body suit, a large dark purple sleeveless coat and metal cuffs. His weapon? A retractable claw gauntlet.
Mia was a knight, without all the big armour. She wore shoulder pads, a large chest plate and metallic boots. She also wore black leggings and a pink skirt. Her weapon of choice was a rapier. She reminded me of Erza Scarlet from Fairy Tail.

I skidded past a tarantula and jammed my axe into the eye of XANA. I stopped beside Mia. "Need a ride?" I said. Since Aelita had the keys, Mia probably has them, right?

"How do you-"

"Later," I said. She got on the overbike and I sped off. Alex gave me directions and I saw the tower, guarded by a tarantula. "When I give you the signal, jump off." I accelerated. "Now!" The overbike crashed into the tarantula which exploded into red glitter. Mia ran to the tower. I watched as the red halo turned white.

My body became pixelated and I soon stepped out the scanner. It closed again and revealed Kyoko, Mia and Rick. I lead them up to the lab again where Alex was furiously typing away. "There's nothing I can do. The return to the past doesn't effect those who went on Lyoko."

"Then I guess you're stuck with me," I grinned. "And I need to know everything."

"Not so fast," Rick interjected. "You have to tell us everything you know first. That was the deal."

"We never made a deal. And you'd better tell me everything you know, or I'll tell the authorities." The room was silent.

Alex turned to the supercomputer. "Return to the past now."

I found myself in my classroom, standing in front of the black board. I have to teach this lesson again? Ugh. I was sluggish and tried my best to re-explaining it and hopefully they didn't pick up on the annoyance in my tone. The bell rang and I sighed with relief. I dismissed the class and went to search for the Jr Lyoko Warriors.

No where. I couldn't find them. Without many options, I headed to the boiler room in the gymnasium and into the sewers.

It still smelt bad but now, it wasn't as bad. I walked through the familiar path and I climbed up the ladder to the bridge. I hopped to the lower level of the factory, specifically the lab.

"What happened?" I muttered to myself. "XANA's supposed to be dead. Why's it back?"

"You seem to know a lot about Lyoko." I spun in the chair to see Alex and Mia just behind me. Kyoko and Rick were descending down the ladder. "Want to share what you know?"

"I'd rather not," I said. "What we need to do is shutdown the supercomputer. XANA's dangerous and-"

"We can't," Kyoko said.


"We just can't."

"And you expect me to leave it at that?" I wasn't going to let these kids hurt themselves like we did.

"I'm connected to the supercomputer," Mia stated. "So turning off the supercomputer will kill me." I gasped a little at that. "We need to find an anti virus."

"I might have a solution. I just need the details."

"XANA's taking my memories-"

"I can help!" I screamed. "It happened to me before."

"What I meant was... there's an evil virus that connect me to XANA."

"And I have the antivirus for that too." Mia's pride shrunk. "Now tell me the truth."


Alex sighed. "We have reason to believe that there is a digital entity somewhere on Lyoko and that they want to get out."

"Franz Hopper?" I questioned. "No. He's gone. Forever."

"Someone called Anthea."

I winced at the name. "Anthea," I repeated. The name was familiar and it rang a bell. "Anthea as in... Anthea Schaffer?"

"That's her," Rick confirmed. Anthea is alive and she's somewhere on the network.

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