Chapter 9- Window of time

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The day had been long. Ulrich, Yumi and Kyoko headed to the Ishiyama residence to stay with Yumi's parents, where Kyoko had been staying ever since she had started at Kadic. Odd had settled in the guest bedroom at the Hermitage, leaving Rick, Mia and I to head back to the Academy.

The next day, I woke up earlier than usual, it was a Saturday, meaning I only had one lesson to teach. Yay! "Miss Renaud?"

"Gah!" I said startled. Behind me stood Daze Winters. Ugh. He caused me trouble in the simulation bubble and the real world. What next? Lyoko? "Yes?"

"Have you finished your novel?" he asked.

"No. I literally wrote a few pages. And I'm busy," I replied. "Besides, I may never finish it."

"But I got some great ideas for you to use. Did you know that in the old abandoned factory, there's this giant computer that-"

"You went to the factory?" I screamed. "I told you never to go there. That's trespassing!"

"But there's a really big computer that contains a virtual world just like your story-"

"I know!" I don't know why I was screaming. For effect maybe? "When did you go?"

"Um... This morning..."

"Good. I still have time... Don't ever go there again. That supercomputer might be radioactive. Do I make myself clear?"

"But the virtual world-"

"Do I make make myself clear?" I said more sternly. "Don't make me give you detention on a Saturday." I frowned slightly at me. "Good. But I will have you do the pop quiz. I'll make sure that Principal Delmas watches you herself."

At the factory, the Lyoko Warriors had gathered. Aelita and I began to fill them in. "This cortex was made by Tyron?"

"Yeah, but this will be a challenge. In the show, Tyron activates a tower, and I'm not sure if it exists in this world. We need a tower to get to the real world. So we need to find it."

"It's worth a shot," Jeremie said. "Who wants to go?" The question surprised me but I realised that there were only five spaces on the skid, and six of us, excluding Jeremie.

"I'll stay here," William said.

"No, I will. I'll be more useful here." I wanted to see the cortex for myself but I had to remember, I'm just an extra character. I'm not supposed to help nor involve myself. The feeling of worry overcame me, as I felt myself thrown back to my teenage years when I constantly avoided the Lyoko Warriors so that I wouldn't disrupt their story.

"Alright," Jeremie said. "I'll send you down." The five headed down. "Transfer Odd. Transfer Ulrich. Transfer William. Virtualisation." He repeated the process for Aelita and Yumi. They boarded the skid and exited Lyoko. I told him the coordinates and they entered the cortex.

"This place is beautiful," Yumi admired.

"Think you can give me a visual?" Jeremie asked. The tab opened and I found myself staring at the screen. It was the first time I saw it in real life.

I snapped out of my amazement. "Be careful," I said as Jeremie programmed the vehicles. "The platforms move. For the time being, try to get to the centre sphere."

Ulrich got on the overbike, Odd on the overboard and Aelita and Yumi on the overwing. William just stood there, probably wondering who he should ride with. "William. I've checked your digital avatar. Seems like your power is super smoke. XANA never gave you that power, it was always yours. Feel free to use it," Jeremie smiled.

The dot that represented his avatar turned to dust and Jeremie and I watched as William led the way, with Ulrich and Odd racing after him, followed by the girls who were close behind. "Uh. Jeremie? Ruby?" Yumi began. "I think the platforms are starting to move."

"I see it," Jeremie said, zooming out. "And I also see a tower. It's east of your position; you're not too far but be careful."

The elevator door opened to reveal Daze. "Daze?!" I questioned. "What are you doing here?"

"I... Um... what are you doing here?" he asked.

"Making sure that this thing isn't radioactive."

"Right," he said. "And I'm guessing that he's one of the authorities who's here to confirm that." He gestured toward Jeremy.

An alarm went off on the screen. Jeremie began to type something. "XANA sent some monsters and he's activated a tower on Lyoko. Guys head back, there's an activated-"

"No wait. We'll let he kids handle this," I said. I pulled out a phone and texted Kyoko and Mia. "Focus on finding the tower. Also, please find out what kind of attack it is. I'll go check outside, with Daze. Keep me updated!" I urged the child to the elevator and hit the up button. I stepped out frustrated.

"Miss Renaud?" Daze asked. "Are you okay?"

"Shush," I snapped. "You have no idea what you've gotten yourself into. Coming here could possibly kill you, you know that?"

"Then you could tell me. Since we seem to have time," he insisted.

I groaned. "Why not. I have nothing to lose anyway. You already know about the virtual world, right? Inside the supercomputer, there's an evil multi agent that's trying to kill us, destroy everything we love and dominate the world."

"Then why not shut it down?" he asked.

"Because! It's... It's a long story, and there's not enough time to tell it all. Right now, it's attacking. If only they'd get here quicker!"

"Who?" Four figures fell to the ground from the ropes, "Kyoko, Alex, Rick! And fourth person I've never met before."

"Daze!"Kyoko said. "What are you doing here?"

"No time!" I said. "The world needs saving! Get to it!"

"What about you?" Alex asked. 

"I'm preparing myself for XANA," I said as I stepped into the elevator. "Someone's got to keep it busy."

As the door to the lab opened, Jeremie was being electrocuted by a spectre. I attacked it with all my might. The spectre disagrated, only to form again. This time, Daze and Rick attacked it. I ran to the supercomputer. XANA had sent more than a dozen monsters to the cortex tower, keeping the LWs busy. "Head to the scanners. We'll take care of this!" Rick said.

"Guys?" I called. "Head to the skid. We'll come back another time!"

"No! We're so close!" Aelita said desperately. "If we can just take care of these monsters."

"Alright, I hear you loud and clear. But if something goes wrong, go back to the skid, west of your position." I opened the transfer programme. "Transfer, scanner, virtualisation." 

Rick and Daze's grunts could be heard from behind me. I suddenly felt an electic wave travel up my spine. Then, I was flown into the wall. I felt like I broke a rib or two with the weight of that impact. Before I blacked out, I saw the spectre lean down and type something to the supercomputer.

When I woke up, I was in my room. My alarm clock read 7:26. I sat up, holding my head. I'm guessing they did it, the return to the past. I got into the same suit and dress shirt. I headed down before I was stopped by Daze. Here we go...

"Are you going to the factory?" he asked. Huh? I hope my ears aren't working because I just woke up. "The others are waiting for us." He pointed at the Junior Warriors, who waved at me.

"You- you remember?" I finally said. 

"Why wouldn't I?" he smiled.

"Then... you went to Lyoko?"

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