Chapter 25- Memories return

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Dad was on a call, probably with Mrs Hertz. "Alright. Let's turn Skylar back to Ruby and get her to Mrs Hertz."

"Are you sure about this?" Mum asked. "Shouldn't we send Ulrich with them too?"

"They would probably take his memories too."

A car parked in the driveway. Mrs Hertz stepped out. She rang tombs doorbell so grandma opened it. Mrs Hertz gasped. "Anthea. Is that really you?"

"Suzanne. Good to see you again."

"I take it you told them about Green Pheonix? These kids are quite lively, after all."

"Then... would it be alright if I came along?" I stepped out from my hiding space. "Hey."

"It's too dangerous for children."

"But Skylar's only sixteen, mentally. This is hardly fair!"

"But she's the victim. She has to come."

"What if... I had superpowers?" I questioned. I remembered how we still had our powers in the real world. "I could use my powers!"

"You mean your Lyoko powers?" Skylar asked, appearing at the doorway. "They could be useful, especially since we are infiltrating the FBI. And we'd be connected through the supercomputer. Let's do it!"

"Your parents would never agree," grandma said, shaking her head.

"They're not my parents," Skylar smiled. "Their not even my legal guardians. I don't have to follow their rules."

We all exchanged glanced, wondering whether to trust her. "What's the harm?" I asked. "Besides, we won't get physically hurt. It's a good advantage." Without much choice, we headed to the factory and to the skid. "Now what?"

"Go to the sector 5 tower. Activate it and teleport," she instructed.

"Energise," went grandma's voice. I felt the glitch effect take place. "Did it work?"

"Heck yeah!" Skylar said. "We're on the bridge!"

"We'll keep it touch through Anthea," Mrs Hertz said as she put an earpiece in her ear, before covering it with her hair. "Let's go."

Mrs Hertz explained how we would get in. With the help of the supercomputer, we were able to open locked doors and go through successfully. "People are coming," Skylar said. "Hide. I'll knock them out."

"Don't," I warned. "Go and unlock the door, I'll use Pause and Mrs Hertz can get in normally." She did as she was told, and we were safely able to reach the laboratory.

"Is this it?" she asked as she stood outside the door.

"Yes," Mrs Hertz nodded. "There will still be some who are still analysing your memories."

"What's our game plan?" Skylar asked. "Pause and grab it. You just need an open door."

"And then what? Take it back to the factory, what if there's a tracker?"

"I'll pause restore your memories. Then Aunt Yumi's and then put it back."

Skylar shrugged. "Go ahead." The door slowly opened. I Paused.

I frantically looked around for the machine which was wired into the computers. I needed to remember them. Then I set it to reverse and shot Skylar. I got lost as I tried to get out, but I ran all the way back to the Ishiyama household. The door was locked so I ended up going in through Kyoko's open window. Finally, I ran back.

I was grateful from being a digital avatar and not a real human. The last thing I had to do was erase the memories from the machine.

I plugged it back in and dragged Skylar somewhere else. I restarted the time. "Grandma? Bring us back."

We both glitched away. When I woke up, I was back in the skid. We went back to the garage and docked the skid before coming back home. I was mentally exhausted.

During this time, Skylar don't say anything. As we entered the lab, she smiled softly. "Anthea Schaffer. It's an honour to meet you. I'm Ruby Renaud."

I mentally praised myself. It worked! "Pleasure's mine. I hear that you've been taking care of Anthea for a very long time, thank you."

"It was a dream come true," she admitted. "Being reincarnated into this world was the best thing that ever happened to me. So is there a way to return to my original size? I like being Ruby Renaud more than Skylar Thorn."

"I'll see what I can do," grandma nodded. "But we should head back and make sure that Suzanne is safe."


The Lyoko warriors had gathered in the living room so naturally they all looked at me. "Did you do this, Mia? Did you give Yumi back her memories?"

I grinned. "I'm back too," Ruby/ Skylar said. They all hugged her. "That's one more thing accomplished. Now we got to use code down."

Everyone was silent. They all knew what it meant. I could hear mum gulp loudly. Lyoko would soon cease to exist.

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