Chapter 3- A return to the past

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This is not how I expected to spend the Lyoko Warriors anniversary, but it is nice. A new generation, a new threat, a new legacy. I had invited all of them to my classroom. "How'd your story begin?" I asked.

"You first!" Mia suggested.

"Let's see..."' I thought for a second. "Once upon a time a boy came to the factory to find some parts for his miniature robots, when he stumbled upon the supercomputer, turned it on and met a virtual girl trapped inside Lyoko. He and his friend decided to send a dog to Lyoko but the dog's owner got sent in instead, but they couldn't meet up with the virtual girl. So, the next time they went to Lyoko, they took another friend, a girl, and they were able to deactivate the tower. From then on, they tried to bring the virtual girl into the real world."

"Are you the virtual girl?" Alex asked.

"No. I'm their guardian angel. You see, this world is part of a show, named Code Lyoko. And I was reincarnated here. I knew about the existence of Lyoko but I didn't involve myself until much later, to prevent the story from going haywire."

"And? Did you save the world?"

"Obviously. You wouldn't be here if we didn't. I've refrained myself from revealing the Lyoko Warriors' identities, purely for my own entertainment." They deadpanned. "And how did you guys get here?"

"Mia," Kyoko replied. "Mia hates going to class. Being the daughter of two geniuses she picked up a little something from them. So with the help of Alex, she changed her attendance record to always say present."

I sighed and facepalmed myself. "We know," Rick went. "Crazy."

"Anyway..." Mia changed the topic. "I came here with my laptop. And well, I wore an electronic watch that my dad had just finished programming. And my mail suddenly became spammed with mail."

"Let me guess. From Anthea Schaffer?"

"No. From Franz Hopper."

I nearly jumped from my seat. "WHAT?" I screamed. "That can't be! We saw him die!"

Mia opened her email on her laptop. "Here." There it was. An email from Franz Hopper.

"That's not..."

"We know. I've heard mum and dad talk about him a few times. I searched him up and found out that he worked at Kadic academy around 33 years ago, before he went missing."

"So you pulled out his file?"

"No. We had Alex track the sender but the signal came from the factory." I was so confused as Lyoko's been shutdown for years. "Then we explored a little, and stumbled upon the supercomputer."

"And you turned it on. I'm guessing Alex figured out the controls and you guys went to Lyoko?"

"No. We found an open note telling us to shut the supercomputer down." Oh yeah. I did that. I completely forgot.

"That was me," I admitted. I didn't want more people to go crazy because of the supercomputer. Remember Sissi? And Franz himself? He used the return to the past over 2000 times!

"But there was another tab open. A messenger between us and Anthea Schaffer." Rick gestured Alex to show them on Mia's laptop. I peeked at the screen. Rick read aloud. "I am Anthea. I am Mia's grandmother."

"We thought it was a prank at first," Alex admitted. "But she knew very specific things about our parents and us and a lot of other people. It was creepy. She gave us some commands and sent us off to Lyoko. All four of us. We learnt the pain of devirtualisatuon first hand."

"And here we are!" Mia concluded. "Our Lyoko story!"

"Anthea's alive. And she's in the digital see," I mumbled to myself. "Have you gone to the digital sea yet?"

"We haven't," they admitted. "We have no idea how to."

"No worries," I smiled. "That's what I'm here for. To help you guys with Lyoko and to get you out of detention."

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