Chapter 5- Magnetic attraction (Part 2)

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The teens went first, then Aelita and I. We fell at the same time. The desert sector's vast sky was breath taking, mostly because I hadn't been there in almost twenty years. Rick, Kyoko and Mia admired Aelita's Lyoko form. "Jeremie designed it."

"You look so cool!" Mia squealed.

"You don't look half bad yourself," she smiled. She looked over at Rick. "Do dog genes pass through family members? He looks like a grey version of Odd."

"My dad was a wolf as well? And a Lyoko warrior?"

"Next you'll be telling me that my parents were also Lyoko Warriors," Kyoko joked. Aelita and I gave her an awkward smile. "Wait really?"

"We can exchange secrets later!" Jeremie said. "Right now you got to deactivate the tower! I'm sending the vehicles!"

The three vehicles appeared in front of us. I jumped on the overbike. "Anyone want to keep me company?" Mia got on behind me. Aelita and Kyoko took the overwing, leaving Rick with the overboard. I accelerated, leaving a small trail of digital dust behind me.

"There," Aelita pointed out. We made out a tower, black and white with a red halo. In front of it, were two tarantulas and three krabs. "XANA's welcoming us back."

I accelerated some more. "Mia, when I give you the signal, jump." I charged to the tarantula. "Now!" We jumped off. The monster exploded into red glitter. I pulled out my axe and faced the krab. Rick lead the other tarantula away whilst Kyoko and Aelita kept a tarantula and krab busy.

"I'll head to the tower," Mia said.

"Wait! No!" I screamed. The krab began shooting lasers at Mia and she skilfully deflected them with her rapier. I then proceeded climb the krabs legs and destroy the eye on its shell before it virtualised her.

I heard a grunt from Mia's direction, she was hit. The electric after effect must have hurt. I watched as the other tarantula had hit Mia.
Rick seemed to be struggling on the overboard so he lost track of the tarantula. Mia took her stance, clutching her sword tightly. I ran toward the tarantulas but it noticed me. It raised its arms at me and shot me. Thankfully I deflected it.
In the distance, I saw a megatank being virtualised. My least favourite monster. It open and shot its circular attack. I stepped to the side. Mia on the other hand, tried to stop the attack with her rapier but it was too weak.
The weapon devirtualised, leaving her defenceless and being devirtualised in the process.

As the magatank took back its attack, I ran toward it and hit the middle where the eye of XANA was. I jumped back and let the monster explode.

The tarantula was still chasing me. It had hit me twice already. "Ruby! You're losing too many life points! One more hit and you'll be coming back. Be careful!" Jeremie warned."

"I'm trying!" I screamed. "You try fighting four monsters consecutively!" Rick fell off the overboard. I stepped on and dragged him on as well. He held my shoulder as I accelerated and began to head toward Aelita and Kyoko. He wasn't the only who couldn't ride it. This is why I always took a scooter instead of a skateboard to the factory.

I tried to her to Kyoko and Aelita but I didn't know how to hit the breaks. "You know what you're doing, right?" Rick asked.

"Uh... Sure." I headed really fast toward the krab. "Ah!!! Jump!" Rick and I jumped off in our own directions. The overboard hit the krab, thankfully.

"Odd's not going to like how you just destroyed his overboard like that," Jeremie said.

I rolled my eyes at his comment. I slowly stood up, just as Rick did. The tarantula which we had neglected had caught up. "Rick! Duck!" He ducked and for some reason, I didn't. The monster took its stance and fired at me.

I reappeared back at the scanners. "Um... Miss Renaud? I'm a little stuck..."
I stepped out of the scanner and saw Mia stuck to the wall.

"What happened?" I asked.

"My bracelet got stuck to the wall. As well as my belt and my shoe ornaments," she admitted. I tried to pull her off the wall.

A fizz was heard and another scanner opened. The person immediately flew to the wall. "Ow..." Kyoko went. She took had been attached by her shoes and her bracelet. "What is this?"

"XANA's attack," I muttered as I tried to pull her away. I tried to remove her bracelet but it didn't come off.

Suddenly, they both fell fell off. "The tower's been deactivated!" Kyoko said. The three of us went to the upper level.

"Jeremie, do a return to the past," I said. "The town also went through the attack." Mia, Kyoko and Alex all gave me a nod. I actually have no idea if they were also attacked but we need this.

"Return to the past now!" It was familiar.

I found myself in front of the Hermitage. Aelita and Mia burst out and the two pinkeyes dragged me through the secret passage behind the house and to the factory.

The junior Lyoko Warriors were already there. "You owe me an explanation," Aelita said. "We promised never to turn it on again."

"It wasn't me!" I defended. "And there's something that you need to know, Aelita." I avoided eye contact. Aelita noticed this and held her breath. "Anthea Schaffer is alive. Franz Hopper might be too."

Aelita tensed but her eyes filled with tears. A hand flew to her mouth as she tried to keep her tears back. "That can't be... how..."

"They're somewhere on the network," I continued. "And we need the skid again to track them. I wanted to surprise you so... surprise!" I did little jazz hands. She hugged me. "Let's find them, together, with this new generation."

She stopped sobbing and looked at the rest of the group. "The new Lyoko Warrior?" She smiled. "I'll help you however I can."

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