Chapter 23- Sector 5's network

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We were all ecstatic after that. We headed to the factory. Mum, Yumi and Ulrich were trying to put together our board to good use by deciphering Kyoko and Rick's messy handwriting.

In the meantime, Daze, Alex, Odd and I went to Lyoko. XANA had told us to meet at sector 5. "A tab opened up," Dad noted. "Anthea is on Lyoko." He read aloud shocked. "You'll find her through the cartage tower."

"Sector 5 has a tower?" We junior warriors questioned.

"Yeah," Odd nodded smugly. "Nasty place too! XANA had mad a spectre of Franz Hopper and made us turn on Einstein ! Then he made us stuck on Lyoko with no powers, almost killing us! Thankfully, Einstein saw through it all and managed to save us before be were gone for good."

"That was years ago," Dad commented.

We reached the blue arena the tower floated in the middle, with a pink halo around it, unlike all the other white halos. "That's not good is it?"

"It's definitely been activated," Daze noted. "Here, I'll make a pathway for you stand on."

"What exactly am I searching for?" I asked.

"Anything," Dad said. "As long as it links back to Anthea."

Inside, I found that Anthea did indeed come from the cortex and that her digital entity was in the tower. I deactivated the tower, before stepping out.

A pink and white sphere levitated between Daze and Alex. I crept up quietly on Daze's blue platform. "Is this... Are you my grandma?"

The sphere of light tinkled, ringing a sweet bell sound. "That probably means yes," Kyoko the yellow ninja noted.

"What are we waiting for?" Rick asked. "Let's materialise her!"

The sphere tinkled again. "Anthea's talking to us. There are several things we must do before I can go back to the real world," Dad read aloud.

"Like what?" Alex asked.

"Take down the cortex.
Destroy the supercomputer.
Get Yumi and Ruby's memories back."

"We can do that ourselves," I said eagerly. "Besides, mum might finally have the chance to reunite with her mother again. You know me well, grandma, and I want nothing more than for my parents to be happy."

"Yeah! And we can always get my mum's and Ruby's memories another time. nd the destroying the cortex will be a piece of cake!" Kyoko nodded.

"Alright," it tinkled. We all headed to the celestial dome, where dad had already prepared our vehicles.

"We got a problem," Rick said. "Not everyone can ride."

"I think that's where my power comes in," Kyoko grinned. She stretched out the palm of her hands, making a small interface float a few inches in front of her. "Let's see..." she tapped some things on the screen, like when I search for data in towers.

Her red boots glowed white as they morphed into red and black sneakers. On her back was a backpack like structure. "Holy cow! It worked!"

"What worked?" Rick questioned.

"This!" She jumped in the air. The sneakers and backpack released an energy wave, making her levitate. "It worked! It worked! My power- 'Interface'- worked!"

We all stared in awe, but Skylar interrupted us as she boarded the overbike. "Let's hurry." I got on behind her. Daze and Alex got on the overwing, even though neither knew how to ride it, and Odd and Rick rode the overboard.

"Whoo- hoo!" Odd cheered as he raced passed us.

"Careful Odd," Dad warned. "I'm opening the passage to the ice sector."

"Roger that, Einstein!"

The blue pillar disappeared. Odd flew right into the void, with Rick screaming at his father's recklessness.


"We'll, this is it," I said as I stood in the middle platform. The sphere was slowly floated up to the top as I left. "Let's hope it works."

"I'll bring you back in for now."

As I stepped out of my scanner, the one next to me whirred loudly. We all gathered there when the doors finally opened, with smoke and dust.

An elderly woman in her late fifties wobbled out. Her hair was bright pink with a few strands of grays here and there. Her eyes were jade green and shone in the golden scanner room.

"Mia?" she mumbled as she pulled me into a hug. "It's so good to see you. For real."

I hugged her back. "Me too."

We guided her to the upper level. Skylar decided to record this precious moment on camera, leading us to watch the first encounter with Dad and grandma. She hugged him too: "thank you for taking care of Aelita. I'm glad she's happy. It's good to finally meet you as well"

"The pleasures mine." He looked over to Odd. "I suppose you already know Odd."

"Odd Della Robbia. Nice to meet you." He grinned. "This is great. All we're missing is Aelita herself."

"I'm on it," I said before calling mum.


The elevator door screeched loudly as it opened. Mum froze as she saw grandma. "Mummy..." she muttered before running towards her and pulling her into a tight hug. "I've missed you so much."

Grandma hugged her just as tight. "I've missed you too, my darling."

I could feel the tears in my eyes. Mum was crying, grandma was crying, Dad was crying, even Skylar was crying. It was a joyful night.

Skylar didn't miss the opportunity to record the entire thing.

We found grandma but we still had things to do, destroy the cortex, shutdown the supercomputer and get the memories back. Now, we could do it even faster.

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