Chapter 26- Lyoko's demise

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Like always, Ruby was very soft-spoken and less intimidating when compared to her other self. She was also very calm when addressing code down. "Shutting it down won't do anything. We have to destroy it. Please."

"If you always wanted to destroy it," dad began, "why didn't you do so twenty years go?"

Ruby sighed. "I waited for the chance, but this timeline is not the one I am familiar with, so I couldn't rely on chance and luck. There was nothing I could do."

"I bet XANA won't like it though," Rick shrugged. I had completely forgotten about XANA!

"I know, but it won't know unless we tell it. And it won't look for it if it's distracted. So I'll distract it whilst you-"

"We can't sacrifice you like that!" Mum screamed. "You're our friends and-"

"Not part of this world," she ended. "I may have been reincarnated here but I am still Skylar Thorn, with or without memories. I don't regret my life here but... being a maths teacher at Kadic is not who I want to be. You know that. And you might be hunted again because they found something in my memories."

"I deleted the files on the machine," I said.

"But you get my point." We all stayed silent. She was right. Skylar always treated this like a game, and was very serious about it. What I've understood from the journal and Skylar is that she want to spread her creations and stories with the world.

"I'll help," I said. "Because it's your wish and it's what you want. I respect your decisions." Skylar nodded at me.

"I suppose we have no choice," grandma said. "It's what she wants. We have to respect that."


The first thing Ruby made us do was reveal the mirror- the supercomputer hidden in the white room. We extracted the code from there and headed to the factory to get the code from... mum. "I have code in my brain?" she confirmed.

"Yeah," Ruby nodded. "It was the only safe place, extracting it should do nothing. Maybe it'll amplify your memory."

Mum stood in the scanner as it closed around her. She smiled weakly. The whirring began and after ten minutes, the doors opened again. She stumbled out, unconscious. "Oh god, is she dead?" I asked. "Oh wait. I can feel her pulse.

Then grandma filled in any extra code that may have been missing. Ruby explained that there was a third supercomputer that worked as a prototype, but she didn't know where. She we just ended up filling it in with grandma's new code.


We were all jittery as we headed to the factory. "Are you sure about this?" Yumi asked. "It's not too late to go back."

"You don't need to worry so much," Ruby smiled. "I've been reincarnated once, I can do it again. I'm pretty lucky so... it's bound to happen!" Why didn't I feel like believing her?

She hugged Yumi and Mum and the three started crying. She shook hands with Ulrich, Odd and Jeremie and she gave grandma a lengthy retelling of Aelita's life and that she should take care of her. 

She came up to us and gave us little speeches. "I'm going to be honest. You guys were the most troublesome students I'd ever met." We all frowned at her. "But, it was fun. The adventures we had without my memories are something that I want you all to cherish, and I don't want you to ever forgot Lyoko. Ever."

We all grinned at her as she stepped into the scanner for the last time. "Thanks, for letting me live out my childhood dream." The door closed, a whirring was heard and then it opened again, leaving the scanner empty. Without much else to do, we all headed back up. Dad was typing away on the keyboard, though he seemed more reluctant that usual.

On his screen a few of XANA's monsters appeared. Ruby walked them over to the edge of the platform. We could hear her explaining it's entire backstory, adding bits here and there to allow the AI to comprehend what was happening. "And now... Anthea's ready to launch the programme."

I clenched my fist and tears began to burst from my eyes. My hands flew to my face as I ordered myself to stop crying. Alex patted my head. He told me to let it out. I was weeping, but I wan't the only one. Grandma followed Ruby's words and entered the programme. A few moments later, the computer glitched and went black. I loudly sniffled and nearly everyone did too. We were all crying.

Ruby Renaud was gone, for good, and so was Lyoko, XANA and our secret gone forever.

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