14-Service Interruption

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It wouldn't be until the next dusk when Axln and Lyun would be visiting the academy, even if it would be very early that dusk. The two had thus returned to the workshop to rest, to awaken early in the dusk, to face whatever opportunity awaits them.

Axln had no problems getting up early, that was normal for her. It was still a bit weird calling such a dusk hour as early, but she was gradually adjusting. Lyun on the other hand had been at risk of sleeping in, thus remaining slightly groggy at that point. She might have slept well enough, sure, but waking up was supposed to be a bit more of a process than this. Axln meanwhile had practically literally dragged Lyun from her rest, thrown fresh clothes at her, and.. yeah, not even breakfast. They had just instantly gone out in little more than a couple of moments later. Lyun at least understood what was going on, this was Axln being eager to not fail at the grace of an opportunity. Lyun herself knew the value of success, so she didn't overly fight against the whole idea. Her biggest concern was being properly prepared.

"So, it says here that the academy has a cafeteria that would be open at almost any time. Since we've left early, if we remain early enough on arrival, I would like to at least get something to eat." "But.. do we have time for..." "Axln, don't just rush us ahead, please. We both have to be ready for this chance, or we're just going to screw it up. Eat a bit, recharge, we should be good to go. Remember, I'm an elf, I kinda need to recharge more than you do. We're doing this for my opportunity, so please trust me to know what I will need to be ready for it." "If we're early enough, I guess that makes sense. You just never let me know how far away this place is. Actually, do we need to get some of those heavy suits again?" "No, but we're both going to be faced with the unfortunate fact of having to take major transit. The easiest way there would have been by rift, but unfortunately I really couldn't afford it. Instead, we'll be taking a phasecraft there, which is still a very expensive solution, but the only thing that would be fast enough." Lyun could see Axln was starting to get uncomfortable, prime time transit was going to leave them both in very uncomfortable circumstances. Rift would have been almost instant, the gateway having teleported them to their destination without any time in transit. The phasecraft though was much more traditional, with the exception of it being an underground solution that propelled them through the ground. Because the elements were much weaker right now, phasecrafts could move through stone a lot easier than normal, making the service not only cost slightly less than normal, but would actually be faster than phasing through more intense elements. That did make the service very popular right now though, a fact which would work against them in turn. Unless she was willing to either break the bank on a rift ticket or give up on this opportunity, there really weren't any other options.

The two of them set off for the transit center with that, located fairly close to the mall. On arrival, Lyun found her fears to be only a fraction of their reality. This place was packed, yes, but that was quite an understatement for the situation. Specifically, the place was flooded, leaving hardly enough room to breath when standing between others waiting to board. For some reason, the wardens were everywhere too. Lyun was getting worried that something significant had happened. The crowds weren't doing much for her calm either, this whole situation was tense, but Lyun was mostly worried about herself making a mistake. The last time she had been in a big crowd, she had made a chain of mistakes that in the end had taken lives. Axln caught Lyun tugging up her white glove, clearly uneasy. Axln herself wasn't sure how to lend support in this situation, herself still unsure how this whole process worked. Blending into the slow moving crowd, the two of them made their way underground just as a transport phased through the distant wall, an inspiring sight for Axln to behold. The underground corridor was huge, more than just a subway system, it was more like a flight hanger that happened to be completely underground. They made their way to one of the walls, where they found some kind of automated dispenser. Lyun knew what she was doing, interacting with the wall-mounted instrument to obtain two small shards, delicately shaped prismatic tetrahedrons. Axln was shocked, considering a rock like this on the other side would have been really expensive, but here it was more like a carved metal chip, almost a coin of another shape.

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