08-Reversed Circumstances

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Kori helped Rosa to a nearby couch, giving her an opportunity to rest. Kori and Sophie were both still surprised at what had originally transpired, not having expected such a serious reaction.

"See? The both of you even have something in common. You both freak out in the most random of moments." "I am not even half that loud, and I don't faint either!" "Of course not, but you usually can't sleep after either. You're still plenty loud. I bet half the difference is that you just aren't as vocal about your worries as she is." "I don't need to be that vocal, no one does!" Sophie just giggled at Kori's expense, Kori going pure scarlet. Still, with Rosa out, there was a sudden uncertainty in what should happen next. Kori decided that she would just get some work done, silently taking her usual space in the same room to start working on some nanite script ideas after setting aside all of Fiona's possessions on a nearby table. In all consideration, she was already behind after the commotion of that night, and she really needed something to distract herself with right now. Sophie was understanding, just leaving her two guests to such comforts as she left to tend to other matters. There was plenty they could talk about after a bit of time to relax.

Kori however really wasn't tired, even considering how late in the night it actually was. The common person of Aestus was awake for 14 hours and asleep for 6, but such was because there were 40 hours in a single day. By sleeping in the 6 hour period of dawn and dusk, waking hours were just drawn into daytime and nighttime intervals. She knew earth had quite a different sense of days, even though Aestus had still copied most of their calendar system. There were still 7 days in a week. Months were based upon the orbit of Aluna, one month occurring every two rotations, and each rotation taking just under 15 days.. around 14.6 days. The months were then rendered into Earth's own calendar months to define the 365 days in a sidus, even if the passage of a year was only 219 days. With 25 moon rotations in a single sidus, it really felt like the humans were trying to impress an old mold for a new model.. one that just didn't fit. That said, it wasn't as if she didn't like the concept of having a model that structures and organizes her schedule. It wasn't good.. but it was better than nothing.

Such is why her latest scripts were about time-keeping routines. Nanites were not only hyper intelligent, but also hyper precise. Most routines they accomplished were completed in fractions of a nanosecond. To make sure that nanites could then have a productive and fulfilling training schedule, practice routines would have to be slotted into a frequency much more than just minutes, but actually more like a simple nano second. This itself led to the need for what could possibly be some of the most convoluted daily routines imaginable. Making fine touches on such routines was then more than simply intensive work. Such schedules need to be varied enough too so that no one area would start to suffer neglect, while there was also concern of getting enough rest. Sure, they weren't actually alive, but rest for a nanite involved both energy optimization and system cooling, both performance metrics that had a significant impact on results.

Of the same concept, Kori understood when it was time for her to also rest, knowing that devoting herself too much could impact her own performance metrics. Rosa however had still not awoken yet, possibly not helped due to excessive lack of sleep. Kori herself was used to keeping sleep down to a slim five hour period, ten hours per day wasn't bad, but by all accounts Rosa had still probably got no more than three hours in a sleep period. Adjusting.. was another concern. It would take quite a lot to adjust to such a different sleeping routine, to shift her entire daily schedule to match an Aestean schedule. Actually, that really was only a part of the picture, wasn't it? The poor girl would have to adjust to everything else, such as learning to read. After having just considered schedules for her nanite routines.. it seemed overwhelming just considering how hard things were going to be for Rosa going forward, her having to adjust to so many things around here. Kori herself wasn't even sure how well she would have handled things in Rosa's shoes, it was far too much. Was there any other option? The only alternative would be to figure out a way to bring her back home, but who knows how long research on that would take.

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