65-Endless Misfortune

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Axln focused her attention towards the direction of the moon's bleak landscape that held the most enemy resistance, divesting herself from most other fronts. As she applied pressure in that given direction, she noticed that her enemy had become similarly focused.

By this point, her unending assault of draining her enemies was really taking its toll, and her split investment in multiple locations was no longer paying back its dues. It would be a gamble, but she was absolutely certain that her objective laid in her current path. Knowing this, she would just need to invest herself completely in it. So resolved, Axln discarded her entire time rift design, leaving only her one self present without the protection of frozen time. The curse of misfortune was even eager to stand in and take its own toll.. exactly she might have hoped for. Of course, this still wasn't perfect circumstances, her first act once time resumed was to simply trip forward as a dizzy spell caught up to her, the haze of chaos taking its own toll. Even upon landing, she took a number of injuries from her foe's sudden assault, having even missed the attacks in the process. Her defenses were completely lacking.. but there was nothing she could do about that. If she couldn't do anything about her defenses, it was time to invest everything into an outright offense.

As one of the fiends tried to lash out at her, Axln instead lashed out at it, using shadows of her gift to crush the space it occupied. Her augmenter however failed.. so she made use of her own chaos as an augmenter. Being chaos augmented, the shadows abstracted in form, devastating a random formation of area that happened to by chance exclude her enemy. Right, this was again the original problem, even during a full offence.. trying to attack with undependable weaponry was more than just a little difficult. Her own instruments were outright failing, a fact that made even her right arm go rather stiff. The stupid kyumu stuff probably needed a replacement.. or a refill.. or something. Lyun would know, at least, such was her field. Refilling would be easy for the girl at least, considering her own chaotic quirk could be used to easily do so. Replacements.. well.. the moon wasn't even dusted over in the same ashen dust as the planet held, this one supposedly being instead rich with elementals. Right, such ashen dust was of the void, something not normally found here.. normally...

Of course, right now, with chaos having taken up such a form.. there was a near endless supply of void present right now, an outright blessing in disguise. How very unfortunate.. for their void enemies. Axln caught another fiend trying to lash out at her, leaving her to turn her attention towards this opportunity. Rather than pushing her gift to be augmented by her instruments.. or even her own chaos.. she instead pressed her gift directly into the void of her enemies, compelling that void to react to it in the same way void should always. Of course, her enemies were pretty ashen, something which brought very little reaction to the gift. However, that wasn't exactly unfortunate, it was simply factual. Misfortune still had to play a role, to make things worse. So, instead of doing nothing, the void composite holding her gift reacted and shattered, breaking down as it tried and failed to do anything with the elements projected through it. Of course, this would happen sometimes with instrumentation, dangerous reactions when kyumu that was far too low failed to yield a result. It was rare, but very unfortunate when such voids simply shattered as the weaker factor. Such was even an outcome Axln had witnessed now a few times with some of Lyun's work, a concept of the void that was rather.. unfortunate.

Three more fiends approached her, and all three were invited to the same cause, shattering once they got in range for her to attempt augmentation through them. Thinking about it, her first kill against such a fiend had actually occurred in this very same way, a void reaction that had torn it apart. Typically, their kills had simply been by having the void of the fiend's form fade into a state more made of diffused elementals, but that one time had been an abrupt void reaction.. the only time it had ever happened. It was possibly then very unlikely to occur, something rather unfortunate when it did happen.. at least from the perspective of the fiend affected. Such a reaction made such kills all the more easier to accomplish. In fact, it seemed pretty reliable, being the most plausible unfortunate result of such an action.. possibly the only valid strange effect. She recalled too that the reaction was dispersing vast quantities of life elements around her, saturated elementals of an almost dangerous quantity. However, the abundance of the void around here was making that actually difficult to realize. It did explain why another four fiends though simply fizzled away spontaneously though, their void composition overwhelmed by the elemental fumes by absolute chance. Still, she had her own arm to worry about, so she promptly pressed the opening before something more could go wrong. She had unfortunately not been aware that the obsidian density of her arm actually protected her from the same dangers, but it wasn't as if having more excuses to press forward might have exactly been working against her.

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