45-Cumulative Demonstration

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Hypertech was still burning the midnight hours, much like any other work night, but Rosa and Kori had plans of their own. Making their way to the same hill Rosa had tried to light a beacon on the fateful day before, both of them prepared their thoughts for this unexpected turn of events.

Quite ostensibly, the two of them were honestly convinced that they were exclusive in their pursuit of research in improved conditions with teamwork. Kori was herself wondering if this might actually be a foolish idea at this point, considering this would be the second time in a row they were now surprising the other with presents. Their teamwork had honestly improved quite suddenly, this sort of outlook was starting to seem like it would be mutual. However, stunning enough were the discoveries involved in the process. Rosa was already wearing her new model of armored tights, already connected to its new ionic supply. Kori could still remember struggles with a misconfigured dragon causing problems, but the display of a detonating holo was quite a sight to behold. Hearing that such an energy discharge could be manipulated was impressive, hearing that there was something like that saved for her was also remarkable.. but nothing was as surprising as hearing that Rosa had holos working like this on the other side too.

Rosa was at least happy to also get a chance to demonstrate her keen ability at making reasonably functional frost designs too, absolute pieces of art in quick and easy design. Kori had little new there to show for her own efforts, little more than how her gravitation has at least gotten a lot faster. Rosa thought she heard a quick mention of shadows in disappointment, but had missed the rest of that idea. Oh, maybe Kori was sad to have been left in the shadows of all of Rosa's accomplishments. With that in consideration, they returned to exchange a few finished products for the other to use. While Kori worked to get her new tights in position, Rosa looked at the small glass lens she herself had been offered. The thing was slightly manipulatable, and allowed for a nanite to fine tune accuracy on demand, if ever she had a shot she needed to make without missing. Rosa suspected that such a shot could probably be hacked into by Kori's newest trick too, if they really needed to work together on it. It really wasn't much of a thing though, Rosa suspected that if she really needed to make something count.. she could always count on a holo.

Back on the hill again, Kori looked over her new tights. It seemed, because her arm was supposedly better at the idea, her tights were engineered to do ionic surges. More than just sort of discharge ions in a direction, it also provided her with an ionic barrier that was supposed to feel like the barrier her power gear provided for extra protection. She turned on the full ionic spread, seeing a perfect sphere develop around her. Clearly, this was to make up for Rosa having the same thing from her DRE.. just in a far better quality. Well, except she could amplify her's, it could work like a sort of firewall.. ionwall? Combined with her gravitation surge.. clearly she was being expected to tackle stuff. The problem there would be being fast enough to tackle stuff. In a bit of a self demonstration of such a concern, she turned up her ionic veil and just vaulted to a snowbank.

Rosa watched as Kori absolutely missed the snowbank, blinking over it in a flash of light. Kori was found a fair distance away, heavily disoriented. Rosa then brought the entire problem to Tristine's attention instead, which then led to a history lesson on the Luminescent Era that had forged the original OSIDF. It seems that, to reach this planet, humans had originally outfitted colony ships with an ionic veil too.. as a pure sphere of accelerated ions caused the area within to be diffused to the passage of molecules outside, allowing the entire thing to travel at a speed fitting for electrons.. otherwise known as lightspeed. Such was why the ionic process was known as a lightspeed engine. Such a thing has existed, but no one has ever put it at a small scale before, because the amount of ion intensity needed for this reaction would be pretty stupid to make it convinent. However, because of Kori's cybernetic arm being additionally useful for intense ionic circuits, it seems they had actually achieved the intensity required for such a reaction.

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