75-Convergence Formula

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Lyun was rapidly moving through the halls with an unparalleled speed, blinking through the occasional wall when the time simply seemed right. However, each turn and each move simply left her with more halls like the last, an infinite spiral of passages that seemed to go on forever.

"Found you." Axln had always been slightly faster than her, no matter how hard she had tried. Coming through the corridor in a blast of speed, Lyun was sent sprawling to the floor from the sudden impact. Axln then unceremoniously picked Lyun up with her ashen arm, holding her into the air. Lyun instead passed back a smile and a wave.. before disappearing in the blink of an eye. She had been working on teleportation as a concept to originally help Axln, but it really was proving a useful way to also oppose her too. Around two more corridors, Lyun suddenly found herself again confronted by Axln. Lyun teleported in time to avoid.. only to find her destination also where Axln was delivering a drop kick to her head. The impact left her dazed, but she could see the logic behind it. Knock her out, she would be easy to take anywhere. Actually, it really wasn't a bad plan. As Axln approached her for another attack, she set off a spell below Axln's feet that threw the fiend straight into the ceiling. By the time Axln recovered from the unexpected concussion, Lyun was already gone again.

This time, when Lyun suddenly confronted Axln in her passage, she had already passed the fiend before Axln could even react. Lyun fluttered in the air for an instance of reflection, her wings keeping her steady in the air. Really, she should have just started flying as things stood, it suited her much better. However, the next time, Axln was ready for a mid air opponent, a wave of shadow pulsing through the halls towering from the ground. Lyun simply instead landed, ducking as the wave of shadow passed along the floor overhead, the frost of her shoes dripping on the floor below as she dashed through the opening provided in an accelerated burst before taking flight once again to move even faster. Huh.. well.. Axln was supposed to be faster, at least. 「The primitive do not understand how to take advantage of true chaos like you do. Even the idea of going faster is itself a principle of sorts.」 Funny, she was breaking every principled law in order to achieve this speed too. Acceleration spell, flight spell, she was basically redefining movement. Meanwhile, Axln was only sticking with some of the most simple of tricks, just a few rift bursts and then a surge of chaotic adrenaline. However, Axln still had such a great advantage, as her best efforts were still bringing her into confrontations.

「Warning, chaotic saturation of chance manipulation has exceeded remaining reserves of chaos. Attempts to resist the flow of probability will become less reliable going forward as a result.」 Meaning, her confrontations were simply about to get unlucky. That was just perfect, exactly what she needed less of. As she rounded another corner, she found Axln there confronting her.. and then her flight spell went haywire and she tumbled to the ground. Axln was after her in that instant, ready to slam her hard once again. Lyun knew by now that the curse of misfortune impacted all principles in this world.. but had no sway on chaos itself. Turning to her shift itself, she constructed a new spin to her imaginary logic. A spell that failed exactly in that way in this exact situation would have the.. unfortunate result of making her phantasmal for two instants. As a result of such a construction, Axln's dash was met with no impact, leaving Lyun to simply walk through a nearby wall. Axln might control how much her spells fail, but it was Lyun who controlled what happened when they did while bound by her own logic.

「There is no question that your foe has made the wrong decision. Accepting primal chaos over true chaos.. that was the wrong decision. Your own actions are raising doubt about chaos's claimed superiority. Chaos may be infinite, but that appears to mean it doesn't change. The blessings bestowed to the terms of a person's existence promotes a growth that could promise far more than chaos could ever control. Chaos clearly should instead be working to promote such change and growth, to encourage people to come up with greater forms of chaos. At the least, there is a portion of chaos who will safeguard such promise.」 She certainly didn't mind being the aspect of true chaos, or that her being would continue such a legacy after her, though she did wish she wouldn't have been alone in this process. Well, maybe she wasn't alone, she still had people around helping to ensure everything else worked smoothly.

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