16: Time For An Upgrade

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Morning rolled around far too early. Peter and Morgan were at the bottom of my bed so I had the worst night sleep not to mention we didn't get into bed until 5 in the morning after staying up waiting for Ottilie to wake up. Morgan had more sleep than the rest of us so I wasn't surprised when she was awake at 9 in the morning jumping on Peter. He didn't move a muscle.

"Kiddo," I say looking at my darling daughter. She stopped jumping and smiled at me. 'Good Morning Daddy." I smiled at her. "Good Morning, Princess." "Can we get breakfast?" She asked. "Come on then," Peppa said sitting up and reaching for Morgan.

"Peter." She tapped his leg. "Wanda's made breakfast." She told him. "Huh?" He said stretching. He really didn't wake up to the three-year-old jumping on him? "Breakfast." "What time is it?" He asked sitting up slightly. "9." He flopped back down. "Come on," I tell him as I climbed out of bed in clothes I wore yesterday.

Upon entering the ground floor I was shocked to see Yelena and Tilly cooking in the kitchen. Nat was sat at the breakfast island with a cup of coffee in her hand. "Morning?" I say unsure. How was she awake right now? How was any of them awake? "Good Morning," Tilly said with a cheesy smile. "Good morning, Princess Morgan." She placed Morgan on her hip as she flipped a pancake. Morgan giggled in delight. "How?" Peppa asked. "Oh, she's been training this morning. She's made breakfast. She's cleaned the medical room." Nat looked exhausted. "Whatever Medication Bruce pumped into her I'm going to kill him," Nat said with an overly sarcastic smile.

"At least she made the house breakfast," Peppa said picking up a piece of fruit. "And Yelena's reasoning for being this awake is? "More sleep than most of us," Nat says sipping her coffee. "I'll take an expresso and a stack of pancakes and another expresso." "You got it," Tilly said. "Is she always this perky? Where's Dark twisty Tilly gone?" Peter asked resting his head on the counter now he was sat down.

"What did you do to my daughter?" "I see the medication is working," Bruce said, clearly proud of himself. "Working? She's on crack! Bruce what did you give her?" Nat demanded. "Some very, very strong painkillers which are causing her to realise a large quantity of serotonin." We all looked at him. "It's nine in the morning. She went to bed at 5." Nat said with a smile that screamed 'i'm going to murder you' "She'll crash in around an hour they should be wearing off soon."


He wasn't wrong. After breakfast, I found Tilly fast asleep in the office. She was working on something to do with the red room. "Come on kiddo. Let's get you onto something comfy." I picked her up and took her to the lounge, where most of us were.

I laid her down legs over Yelena and head on Nat's lap. She instinctively brushed through her long ginger hair not even realising she was doing it whilst she watched the film Sam and Bucky put on when they came down this morning.

Yelena was drifting in and out of sleep, clearly, she didn't have enough rest last night. Morgan was sat on the floor with Peter playing with her building blocks. The others are on the sofas. "I'm going to the lab," I tell them. No one answered. Everyone was exhausted.

They still could have acknowledged me.

I go to Tilly's computer. I know I shouldn't be on here, she hates when people go on her computer but it hasn't been touched in months, Nat had been keeping her out of the lab, at Tilly's requests. I just needed some work she had been doing for me. She never sent it over so I need to go get it from her actual computer.


What would her password be? I looked around to see if she had written it down somewhere. I guess young people don't do that and her brain is like a sponge she can absorb so much information at once. Why would she write it down? "Javis? What is Tilly's Password." "I can not give you that information Mr Stark." "It's my computer system... I need it." He didn't answer me. "Can I at least have a Hint?"

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