14: Responsible

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Watching her go from this outgoing person who knew exactly who she was and what she wanted to a withdrawn quiet person. She went back to just watching. She didn't give her opinion of things she didn't ask questions she didn't challenge us. She stopped correcting my mistakes. I'd make obvious ones on purpose in hopes that she would just say anything.

I felt like I had travelled back in time to the first few weeks of knowing her. She only spoke to her mum. And she would spend all her time in the gym or in the dance studio and that's exactly what she's doing now.

We were currently in a meeting. Going over a failed mission. "Tilly any input?" She was looking out the window not even at the board. "Ottilie?" I asked clearer and louder this time. I could feel Nat's eyes on me as I stood waiting for her daughter to answer me. "I wasn't there." She says simply so she was listening to me she was just refusing to talk, nice. "Well, you know what happened... What would you have done differently?" I asked trying to get her to engage in this meeting. She was a key player in the team. She had the brains to plot. She had the skills to attack and get out of sticky situations. She was so intelligent she can code, invent make she's a ball of potential and Natasha is letting her waste it. "Can I leave?" She asked looking at Nat ignoring me once again. "No, you can't. You wanted to be part of this now you are. So what would you have done differently to ensure that the mission was a success." "Mum?" She ignored me again. "Go ahead." "Jarvis lock the door." If looks could kill I think I'd be ash right now.

"Open the door." She told me trying to stay calm but I could see the anger building up. Maybe I'll get a reaction this way. "No. I will not. Answer my question." "Open the door." She pulled on it. "Tell him. Tell him to open the door." She kept pulling at it. The door was class so her next move to kick through it with her big heavy signature boots made sense. The glass shattered and she hit the rest of the glass out with her arm and hand before climbing through the hole... I didn't expect her to actually hurt herself. "Locking the door. Are you for real?" Helena said shoving me... she left through the hole too and left me.

"You crossed the line," Nat said standing up she was trying not to hurt me right now. I knew she didn't like being locked in rooms. That would be a punishment. She left and then the rest of us hurried out when we heard shouting and smashing of things.

Natasha was holding her arms down but she was still kicking out trying to get free. "A little help?" Natasha called out. Yelena was holding her head there was blood, I assume she got hit. Steve help Nat restrain her but this only made her fight harder. "Stop!" Wanna shouted. "Let her go." Nat listened and let go of her Steve did hesitantly. "Don't touch me." She whispered over and over again from her position on the floor where she had crumbled to when her mum and Steve let go of her.

Well, I didn't mean for this to happen. Bruce was tending to Yelena's head. I assume the picture frame hit her because it was laying next to her by her feet. "Kiddo..." I tried. She see for a moment before she stood up and walked away. "You stay the hell away from her!" Nat pointed a finger in my face before she rushed off in the direction Till went in. I assumed she had gone to her bedroom by the sounds of things.

"You knew how she would react," Bruce said to me. "Yet you did it anyway." "Natasha is ruining her," I tell him. "It's her choice how she raises-"she's just as bad as them! Controlling, manipulative, selfish. Tilly was thriving and then Natasha gets scared that she'll end up alone so she caged her up so she would never have to be alone." "Tony!" Peppy said holding Morgan on her hip. She was shocked that I would actually say that. But it's true. Natasha controls that girl. Tells her what she can and can't do. Now she's not even speaking to people. She and Peter were finally getting along and now I have the kid asking me what he did wrong. He thought he upset her because she was suddenly just glaring at him. I tried to explain to him it was the way she was wired, I explained to him about her past the red room and then he became withdrawn too. Like the information hurt him knowing she was hurt.

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