23: Prosperous In Battle

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"Done." "Done," I called seconds after Tony. We were in the lab programming the boots. "Now the left one." "I finished both," I say picking them up and taking them over to mums suit that was finally finished. "Both?" "Yeah." "Here take yours, get them done." I caught them when he tossed them and went back to my desk. 

I focused once again and began contacting the tracking device to JAVIS network so whoever was here with the code would be able to find us. Then I moved on to the tech part. I took the mother bored out of the platform and began to sort out the USB port so we can download files from the location to our computers here in case anything went wrong and we could get the files home. 

Tony was doing Yelena's boots. These were pretty much the last things that needed to be done. "Hey kiddo," Wanda said sitting beside me. "Hi." I smiled at her before looking back down at the tech in front of me. "What's up?" I asked her, she doesn't really come down here. "Oh right. I have the files you asked for." "Perfect, can you upload them to the main Never mind. Hold this." I had her the soldering tool taking the IPad from her and going to the main system. I plug it in and set up the download process before coming back. "That's hot don't touch that," I tell her taking it from her delicate hands. 

"Thanks for that's Wands." "Of course. Anything Else I can help you with?" "No, I'm good." "I feel like everyone's doing something and I'm not." "Why don't you go help Sam and Bucky. they're in the control room monitoring, Bruce." I inform her. Bruce was still chipped we're watching his every move. Clint and Steve following in case he does anything to harm the innocent and Sam, Bucky, Yelena and I are taking it in turns to watch him in the control room. Mum and Vision are in the office researching the new weapons Hydra has released and Tony and I are finishing the suits. Peter and Morgan are at school.  They needed to be ready for the next big mission which was bringing, Mr Howard and Dreykov in captivity... I would be lying if I said I wasn't scared. 

Plus I had to break my nose again which really hurt last time... Peter said he'll punch it for me but he seemed too excited about it so Steves going to knock it with his shield... Mums and Lena's too. We're just hoping the pain it's too debilitating. 

Wanda isn't very good with technology so she could sit and help us and the rest are off in pairs. And I'm in and out most of the time. I've been going over to Noah's family home to help with Dinner and with Grace their daughter. They're all heartbroken over his death. I am too but I needed to hold it together for a while. 

The funeral was a week ago. Fury managed to lie to get it covered up. I visited Noah on my way home from their family home, talk to him and fill him in on all the antics that were happening. I miss him terribly but I couldn't allow myself to be sad right now. I cried enough about it. I just needed to hang on until it was all over and I can lay in bed in self-pity for a few days and grieve the way I want to or need to. 


We were all in the lounge waiting around for everyone to be ready. We had to try the suits on make sure they fitted, make sure they worked, make sure everyone knew how to use them. I got mine on quickly and came down, followed by mum and Yelena. Tony was next, he literally had to press a button and it dressed him. The others staggered down, we looked like a proper team. 

Tony briefed everyone on how it all worked. We each had something designed just for us. For the way we fight, Buck had his arm, Peter had his web things. Tony had his hand blasters. It was amusing watching everyone use theirs. I actually smiled for real not the fake one I've been putting on for everyone else sake. 

I ran through all of Clint's arrows with him. I colour coordinated them so it was easy for him to know which one he wanted to use. We had worked really hard with everyone to develop things they need and wanted. Making it practical and our chances of success higher. 

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