19: Surprise Mission

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I walked through the streets of the busy city holding my boyfriend letting it swing between us as he spoke to me about his class project on DNA sampling. I was so happy right now. I was with my boyfriend, I passed my assessment for the Avengers so I'm an official member. Tony is still working on the suits, they're a little more complex than the previous ones. Mums old one had no tech on it but an earpiece... Like are we living in the 18th century? I think not. It was sunny for once, I was happy, no one was arguing at the compound anymore. Life was great. 

MJ and Peter were a little in front of us, we had just left the movies, went on a double date. I was glad we all got on because it would have been difficult to spend time with each other. "Um, Tilly?" Peter says unsure pulling me out of my happy trance and looking at him. "We have a problem?" I looked around when I heard the shrieks of passes by. A building was crumbling down two blocks from us. 

"What the!" Noah says tugging my arm to take me away, the buildings coming down like dominos "Wait." I say stopping him from moving me. I pulled out my phone. "We have a problem," I say when Tony picked up. "You're there perfect. You and Parker need to clear the area, Wanda and Clint are trying to locate the cause. "Okay." I nodded at Peter and we went to go off. "You're not going in there," Noah told me holding me firmly... We hadn't broken the news to him yet. "MJ?" I asked for her help. "Let her go." She tried. "No, come on." He pulled me again. "You're not a superhero, let's get out of here." Ironic really. 

"OTTILIE!" Peppa? I looked around. Was I just hearing things? "Peppa!" Peter calls out, there was a stampede of people. I guess I wasn't hearing things. "Let's go." "What if Morgans with her? You go." I tell him taking my arm from his grasp and running towards Peppa and Peter. 

"I can't find her. She was right here." "I'll go," I tell Peter running into the building. He needed to suit up. Luckily for him, he carries his suit everywhere. I do not. Not that I had anything on a suit that I couldn't do myself. And I had my boots, they hurt when I kicked people.   "Tilly." I hear Noah. I was conflicted about what to do. I needed him safe and away from all this, if a building came down on him he'd be dead. But I couldn't leave whilst morgan was missing. She could be anywhere, scared and alone. "Get him out of here," I call back running up the flight of stairs as people ran down them. It was difficult to push past the masses of people trying to get away in case this building came down. "Morgan?" I called out looking around the offices. She must have been with Peppa whilst she was working today. This place was completely trashed, everyone was clearly in a panic and scared. You could see everything happening from the windows that acted as walls in this office building. 

"MORGAN!" I called again and I went up to another floor. I got to the rooftop. I saw her stood there looking out. "Morgan. Thank God." I grabbed her holding her tight to my chest. "I lost mummy." "It's okay. She's downstairs." I tell her stroking her hair to calm her tears. I looked out, shit. Most of the people were out of harms way now. I see Wanda fighting someone and Clint on top of a roof across shooting his arrows. "We need back up," I mumbled to myself. I texted Tony hoping he was already on his way. I was about to turn with Morgan when I heard footsteps. 

"Hi, little girls." I turned quickly. "MONSTER!" Morgan screamed. "It's okay, it's okay," I tell her hiding her vision from the badly burnt man, his face looked like it had been melted off and his hand a hook. He wore a long brown tattered trench coat with steel-toed boots. He came closer so I backed up. "Tilly." I looked behind me, I was on the edge holding Morgan, Peter was back there after clearing the square. Shit. "You're Stark's kids... Right?" "Don't answer him," I tell Morgan adjusting her on my hip. "Don't worry, I only want her." He tells me. "Ransome..." He says with a smirk. "You understand that right?" "You're not having her," I tell him firmly. "You're not laying a hand on her." 

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