17: Fix Me.

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"She's been quiet this morning," Yelena said to me, Tilly was finishing up her training session with Cap. We had been on the treadmills together. "She was in trouble last night," I inform my sister. "Why?" "She got drunk with Peter." "That's not like her." "Isn't it?" I asked with a raised eyebrow. "Maybe she's just a good actress. She's a pro at lying it wouldn't be hard." I tell Yelena. Who knows what else Ottilie has been lying to us about. "Yeah, she is a pro at lying which is why I don't believe her." She said turning away from me.

"Why not?" I asked turning my machine off and standing beside her as we watched her spar with Steve. "She has a new bruise on her thigh, her ribs appear to be hurting her." "How would you know that?" "She's not twisting into her punches... She does this thing." She imitated Tilly, she twisted her torso following through with the punch and holding her guard up before drawing back. "She isn't doing that." I frowned now noticing it.

Cap pushed her on the floor and she seemed to gasp. "I'm sorry Tilly," Cap said helping her up. "I think I'm done for the day," Tilly says when she's on her feet. "Are you okay? I didn't mean to hurt you." Steve asked concerned, Tilly would spar all day with him if she had the chance, she enjoyed it. "Yeah, tired... And I said I'd help Tony with the new suits."

"I'm going to talk to Peter," I tell Yelena. Something wasn't adding up.


"Well. Um. I mean... We were... Dancing and... Yeah, Dancing." He stuttered out after I asked him what happened last night. "Do I make you nervous Peter?" "A little." He scratched the back of his neck, his eyes darting around sometimes meeting my gaze.

"What happened last night?" I repeated my questions for the 6th time now. I was sat across from him at the small dining table, my eyes not leaving him for a moment. I was to find out what happened at that party last night.

"Did you have fun?" "Yes..." "You seem unsure. Why are you unsure? Did you have fun?" He looked down at his hands which were fidgeting on the table. "What happened?" "Nothing happened... We went to a party, drank and danced as teens do. Now let it go." Ottilie told me as she came in. "Tony needs you to try something in the Lab." She excused Peter and he happily ran off from me down the hall and towards the basement. "Will you stop interrogating him, you're going to cause the poor boy to have a heart attack one day with all your questions." "I was concerned." "You punished me... Let's move on." "Yet I can't because I think you're lying."

"I'm not." She said flatly. "What happened to your ribs?" "My ribs?" She asked cluelessly, she's an Oscar-winning actress. She can lie and act flawlessly. But I was her mother and I knew when she was lying.  "Your ribs." I lifted her top and they were purple fresh bruising, along with scars I had never seen before, she hides from me whenever she changes to avoid me seeing her body. I had no idea they hurt her so badly in the Red Room.

She snatched the material away from me quickly and moved back from my touch. I only saw her for a short second but it was enough to see what the monsters did to her. She had a furious look on her face a scowl none of the less. "Don't." She held her hand up stopping me from saying anything. Hurt and betrayal were flashing through her eyes. I knew I shouldn't have invaded her privacy. I knew she'd have some sort of marks, I knew how hard it was showing people them, but I didn't know how bad hers would be. Taking small steps backwards before turning and jogging down the hall.

My poor baby. "Nat?" I looked in the direction of the voice. "Tilly is-"She's fine." I snapped at Bruce. "She didn't seem-"She is fine," I repeated clearly and slowly. "She didn't look-"She is none of you concern." I snapped again. I was sick of him thinking just because we're dating he has a say in Tilly's wellbeing.

"Nat she was crying." He tried but I gave him a look which warned him to stop and he did. I went into the lab where I knew Peter was. 

"WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO HER LAST NIGHT AND DON'T YOU DARE LIE TO ME OR SO HELP YOU, GOD, YOU'LL BE DEAD," I say, slamming my hands on the desk he was sat at leaning forward forcing him to keep eyecontact with him. "What's wrong?" Tony asked resting a hand on my shoulder. "Tilly is hurt and it happened at the party they were at. What happened?" I say addressing Tony at first then Peter once again. He looked like a quivering mess.

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