.-. Teenaged Sleepover .-.

428 10 36

Request: Yes
Mcyt: Dream, George, Sapnap
Type: Fluff
Age: Sap: 14 | Dream & Gogs: 15
AU: Irl

A/N: Thank you to @Golden_Butt3rfly for the request! Sorry it took me so long to get to it, but I promise I'm gonna start working on all of them! I have a few other one shots I've started but just never touched. I have no motivation for them currently. But I'm doing my best, even with school kicking my ass. I dunno if 'teenaged' is a word but yknow it's fine anyways. Enjoy :p


*dream's pov*
I hopped on Discord with the smartest idea I'm sure I've had since I turned fifteen.

I quickly went to the "Dream Team" group chat I made with my two best friends and entered the VC they were both already in.

I joined and heard shouting.




I chuckled, "You don't have to get me. Calm down, you two. Sapnap it's just some diamonds. You can take one of mine later."

Sapnap shouted in what sounded like happiness and George groaned in annoyance. I'm guessing because he doesn't have "Dream diamond stealing privileges" or whatever they called it. I don't know.

"LET'S GOOO!" Sapnap shouted, causing me to turn him down more.

"Stop shouting! My earrrrsssss!" I complained, wheezing through my sentence.

I saw George roll his eyes since he had his camera on. I turned mine on too.

"Anyways," I started, "I wanted to ask if you guys wanted to come to my house. Not like for a few hours but like a sleepover!" I announced, definitely sounding childish.

I thought they would laugh at me, thinking it was weird to want to have a sleepover at age fifteen but instead they both smiled widely.

"Yes! We could do so much! I need to ask- MOM!" Sapnap said quickly, running out of his room screaming for his mother.

George and I giggled.

"I'll text my Dad. He'll probably say yes." He smiled his normal ':]' smile. I smiled back.

time skip: third person

Sapnap and George both got yes' and Dream has asked his parents before he even got on the call.

They were going to have it that night, so Dream had to speedrun cleaning his room. He was really good at speedrunning.

Sooner than Dream expected - only really ten minutes later - a knock came from the door. He heard his mother answer it and he got called downstairs. He rushed down with a giant smile.

He turned the corner and saw his two best friends standing there in all their "glory."

"Hello Dreamy boy!" Sapnap shouted, Dream's mom could be heard laughing faintly from her spot in the kitchen. Dream rolled his eyes.

"Whatever," he playfully waved his hand, "come on in- take your shoes off you Texan and we can go to my room." He said, getting his two friends to follow him.

They already knew where is room was as they had been there before, but just not for a sleepover.

He grabbed their bags and put them on the floor, then they all crash on his floor, though Sapnap did hit his head off of Dream's nightstand.


"Shhhh!" Dream scolded in a joking manner. "You can't say the 'fuck' word in my house. My mommy will yell at me." He made a silly pouting face and they all laughed.

"You're so weird!" George laughed, "What'd you guys wanna do?"

Sapnap gasped, shocking the older two and he crawled to his bag. He opened it excitedly and threw a notebook out of it, accidentally chucking it into George's face.

"SAPNAP!" George shouted, Dream wheezing and Sapnap giving a not so serious apology.

"You'll be fine Gogy- anyways so I wrote down all these cool sleepover ideas for us in here! There's building a fort, telling weird stories, playing Minecraft...."

time skip ahaha your are beautiful (platonic) fight me if you disagree

It was hours later and they had completed nearly everything on Sapnap's list. They'd decided to watch a movie of George's choice because he never really got to choose anything.

George chose "Home Alone", specifically the first one because it reminds him of Sapnap and all the stupid ideas he has. Even though Kevin (the kid in the movie) was quite smart.

The movie was almost over, nearly half an hour left and the three couldn't keep their young eyes open anymore. So, they fell asleep, if you didn't get the hint.

Dream was up against his headboard, his head leaning back and most likely going to be a pain in his neck, literally. Sapnap was dead asleep, leaning on Dream's left shoulder. His head was rested softly on Dream's shoulder.

George had fallen asleep bundled in many blankets on Sapnap's lap. His legs stretched over to Dream's lap and his upper body (do not question my English) on Sapnap's chest.

Dream's mom opened the door to tell them to be quiet but when she saw what was really making the noise, she turned on some soft music in compared to the loud movie noises and took a photo. She had a soft smile on her face and left the room, leaving them to their own restful sleep.

She was happy she let the boys over.

And Dream was happy too. He smiled in his sleep and rested his head on Sapnap's more.

End A/N: The ending is abrupt, I know. I didn't know how to end it but I think it's pretty good. Again, thank you for the request, I like how it turned out :) Have a good day/night/evening, wherever you are. I love DTeam :D And no this isn't spell checked.

-Starby (Phaser) <3

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