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The next morning

I feel weight on me, and wake up blinking I look around and see nothing until I look down under the covers.

3rd person

Bakugou eyes widen when he sees Deku laying on him, hugging his waist.

"Wake up now you bastard" he hisses.

Deku's face scrunches up, he opens his eyes and look up to see the blonde looking down at him. His tail wags at the sight.

"Morning Kacchan" he smiles.

"Don't morning me get off" he scuffs, Deku gets up and sit beside him.

"Sorry it was just omega was cold." He mumble.

Katsuki raises his eyebrow in confusion Deku notices and speaks again,"You were cold so I wanted to warm you up." He repeats.

Katsuki rolls his eyes and gets up, stretching as his tail wiggles Deku smiles at the doing and gets up to follow the cat.

They well Katsuki walks to the kitchen as Deku follows, Bakugou grabs leftovers and two plates he fixes the two plates and sit them on the table.

Deku watches in awe and sits at the table,"Thank you Kacchan!" He shouts smiling, his tail thumping around hitting something.

Bakugou sits at the table and realizes what he did, he blushes and groans but starts eating his food.


Bakugou slowly gets into the hot water, he's trying to stay clean like Kirishima taught him to do.

He purrs and sink into the water closing his eyes at the thought of his owner, but what he doesn't know is Deku is watching him.

Deku's tail wag as he peeks his head into the bathroom door, he saw his Kacchan getting in a white thing he's sure that's a tub that looks like what Ejirou was telling him about.

Bakugou's eyes open and they make eye contact they both panic, the cat hisses and tries covering himself while blushing and the dog blushes at the fact he got caught.

"What the fuck?! Why are you watching me?!" He shouts.

Deku slowly walks in,"I didn't say come in!!" Bakugou basically shrieks.

Deku gets close to the tub,"I was just curious Kacchan." He mumbles putting his hands on the edge of the tub and poking his head up.

Bakugou sighs,"Whatever I'll let you off the hook for now." Deku tails starts back wagging.


"Kacchan please" Deku begs.

"No sleep on the floor." He hisses.

"But Kacchan-"

"The floor." He cuts him off.

Deku pouts and take the pillows and blankets Katsuki gave him and lay them out to sleep.

Later on in the night Katsuki wakes up and sees Deku shivering, he blinks and get out of bed to wake him up.

"Deku" he whispers shaking him awake.

The greenette wakes up confused,"You can sleep with me" Bakugou tells him.

Deku sleepily gets up and walks towards the bed, Katsuki does the same they lay down and Izuku pulls Katsuki close tangling their tails together.

They both feel warm so they get even closer.

Bakugou is gonna say something about this in the morning but right now he's too tired.

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