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Deku wakes up to see Kacchan not in sight, his ears go down but he's gonna go look for him.

He gets out of the bed and hears a door open, his ears shoot up as they hear shuffling.

He quickly runs out of the room.

Once he's in the hallway, he transforms into his third form. He runs to the kitchen where he hears his Kacchan.

Once there he sees him putting food up.

"I can see your tail wagging." Katsuki speaks not even looking up from what he was doing.

Deku gets confused,"But I'm in my third form." He informs.

"Yeah and I can tell that you're happy." Katsuki inputs rolling his eyes.

Deku shrugs and looks around Katsuki.

"How did those get here?" He asks talking about the groceries.

"I went out and got them, I even sadly got some things for you." Katsuki informs rolling his eyes.

Deku smiles really big and rush over.

"Chill you can get your things later." Katsuki somewhat hisses.

After some minutes of Deku just staring at Katsuki cooking, Katsuki finally speaks,"Did Eji show you how to take a bath?" He asks stirring something in a pot.

"No but he has told me about it." He responds earning a nod.

"After dinner I can run your bath water and assist you, then we can see what I got." Katsuki tells him, Deku notices how he doesn't say "help" but he doesn't mind it. Kacchan is "assisting"  him, cooking for him and even got him some things, he feels amazing.

Deku then understood what Katsuki was saying earlier, he knew if he was in his other forms his tail would be swinging hard.

He giggles and in return gets a confused side eye from Katsuki.


After dinner(Katsuki's pov)

I take our empty dishes and sit them in the sink, I turn around I leave the kitchen to head to the bathroom.

Once I'm there I walk towards the tub grabbing the handles to turn on the hot water.

I turn a little cold water as well and walk away to grab the things he'll need.

I wait till the tub is full and I stop the water.

What is that thumping noise?!

Oh it's Deku, I hear footsteps so it's him.

Deku walks in with his tail thumping against the door.

He went to his second form, this is not gonna work.


"Deku don't splash that water." I hiss trying not to get wet.

I grab the soap and his rag getting it soaped up.

When I finish I look to Deku to see him already looking, I see movement,"Don't move that tail." I glare while he smiles sheepishly.

I roll my eyes,"Here scrub everywhere." I instruct him.

He takes the rag and follow my instructions.

I look away to give him privacy.

He finishes and let's me know.

I help rinse him off and get his towel.

"This is what you dry off with." I tell him while handing it to him.

He takes it and smile.


I'm currently waiting on Deku to walk in the room with his night clothes on.

I'm gonna miss my show if he doesn't hurry.

My ears twitch as I hear movement, that's him coming in smiling.

"Finally" I breath getting up, grabbing his things and dragging him to the living room.

He doesn't say anything as I push him on the couch while sitting his things on his lap.

I grab the remote and get comfortable on the couch.

Turning on the TV I go to my show and then turn to Deku.

"I don't know your cycle so I got some things for your rut, some things for your room and some other things." I tell him.

I was so happy when Eji told me that Deku was gonna get the other room.

He smiled and nodded.

I look away to finally watch my show.

I saw from the corner of my eye that he got up.


Deku's pov

I get up to leave, I wanna sit my things down and I wanna wait for Kacchan to fall asleep.

After a couple of minutes I walk back to the living room to see Kacchan fast asleep.

I get the remote to the tv to cut it off and I then walk towards Kacchan, I pick him up and carry him to his/our room.

I lay him down and lay down beside him.

I move him to where he's laying on my side and I put my arm around him.

Once I get us comfortable I put the cover over us and drift off to sleep.

I like ending chapters with them going to sleep and getting cuddly.

Kirishima is on a trip rn which is why they are alone.

Deku and Katsuki will share a room until Kirishima gets back, since he has to set up Deku's room.

Kirishima keeps money at the house for Katsuki, so now it's for Katsuki and Deku and Katsuki will go out to buy whatever they need.

Hope you enjoyed.

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