It was all a bet

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After me and Alec finished our make out session that's where me and Alec would go together. The thing was that only 2 of my bestfriends didn't know about me and him. Maria and Kendall and I felt bad. I went to class after our make out session and then alec came in 5 minutes later.
"Omg isabella look at alec ugh why does he have to be so freaking cute!" Kendall said. Oh crap I forgot she likes him.
"Aren't you dating Lucas??" I asked pretending like I didn't like him. I mean I've been doing it since 7th grade so it's whatever and its hurts honestly but yeah. Wait but now it's gonna hurt her if she finds out I'm dating him...
"Hello??" Kendall said.
"Huh?? Sorry I was thinking what did you say again??"
"Well I was thinking of breaking up with Lucas cause I think I'm in love with alec cause my feelings are greater than any other boys." She said excitedly.
"And maria went to ask him if he would ever go out with me and he said yeah!!" Wait what?? No we're dating we've been dating for about a week now! I'm hurt.
"When?" I asked
"Yesterday! So I'm gonna ask him out tomorrow. I can't believe this is actually happening!"
"I can't either." I said as class started. I felt like every single class was going by very slowly. The only thing that was on my mind was that I had to talk to him.
Alecs POV
I kept staring at her during class I couldn't concentrate at all. She looked sad and confused and distracted. I told Kendall that I would go out with her if I could but I can't cause I'm dating the girl that I love right now. Yeah. I love her. I know I do. "Okay class dismissed!" Finally.
"Aye yo alec come here" chase called me.
"What's up ?"
"I got you the skateboards you wanted"
"Huh? Skateboards??" I just heard skateboards.
"Ugh the bet that you had to go out with Isabella and maker her fall in love with you and if you won I would get you skateboards??" He said annoyed.
"Oh yeah kinda forgot"
"Shit!" Chase said as he was looking behind me.
I turned around and saw isabella. She heard everything. "So this was all a lie??!!!" She yelled
"NO I can explain I mean I didn't like you in the beginning but now I was the one that ended falling in love with you!"
"Liar you fucking stupid lying ass bitch! No wonder you just asked me out randomly and then you're gonna tell Kendall that you would go out with her! wow I was so fucking stupid to even believe you. Well you know what I don't anymore so it's over we're done and don't ever fucking talk to me again!" She said as tears were in her eyes and she turned around and ran upstairs to her dorm. I was hurt. I screwed up.
"Hey man you alright?" Chase asked
I just looked at him and walked away.

I love you but I hate you badboyWhere stories live. Discover now