Misbehaving already

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( the picture is of Claudia and Isabella)
Currently were in the office getting ready to talk to the principle about letting us be in this school something like that. "Dude look there's a remote control to control some cameras and objects!! Yoooo Claudia this is so cool." " aye Isabella be good stop messing around with that. Just watch the principle walk in and catch you and it's not even your first day. At least wait an hour." I knew she was thinking the same thing I was. We both got up and went to the remote control and started playing with it and figuring out how to use it and the good thing was that there was two of them so we each got one:3 hehe. We moved the cameras around looking at what people were doing. I got to admit I like this school it's really big and we get dorms:3. We moved one of the cameras and it landed on a boy and girl having a heavy make out session. " wow we are some creeps were watching 2 people make out " Claudia said. " hey you were the one that moved that camera " I said. "Yes, yes now where
Are the 2 girls?" " in your office " me and Claudia looked at each other wide eyed and put everything back In place and ran to sit down and sat down just in time when he opened the door with my parents. " hello ladies my name is Fernando Salazar. You can call me mr. Salazar or señor Salazar. So I hear you guys wanna attend LightWay School?" "Uh yeah sure" me and Claudia said. " well okay there's some rules you have to- señoritas what is this??!!!" Me and Claudia looked up confused and saw what he was looking at. He was looking at the screen with the two people making out. Oh shit we forgot to change it back oops... oh well. "Uh I don't know mr. Salazar you're the one that has the screen in your room and don't you control the cameras??" "Yeah Isabella's right mr. Salazar shouldn't you be making sure people aren't on the floor making out or at least that your cameras aren't facing them while they're doing that??" Claudia said. " okay that's enough girls. Respect mr.salazar and it's probably just an error right mr. Salazar?" Said my dad. " uh yes, yes it probably was an error of mine when I was looking around to see what the students were up to and probably forgot to move the camera back to its place." He said while glaring at me and Claudia. Hehe I think he already doesn't like us. Oh well. " well anyways, as I was saying there's some rules here . 1. You can't go into the boys dorms without an adult in the room with you. 2. You have to wear your uniform everyday and the only time you get to wear your regular clothes is on the weekend and on Fridays. 3. There will be no troublemaking." Me and Claudia looked at eachother when he said no troublemaking. Hehe too late. "Okay" me and Claudia said. "no problem" I said after with a mischievous smile. "Okay here are your uniforms and here's your dorm room number Isabella and here's yours Claudia and since you are in 12 grade you will be on the other side of the school. Okay move along now " he said as he shooed us out. "Okay this is butt your gonna be on the other side your a butt Claudia why did you have to be born before me?? Why couldn't you have been born the same year as me??" "I don't know blame it on my parents they're the ones that had sex a year before your parents did." She replied. We both looked at Eachother in disgust as an image of our parents having sex appeared in our heads. As we were in the main room Claudia said " well bell I guess this is for you. Don't worry I'll text you and we will meet up in the cafeteria and when we get our break in between classes and we'll do something fun." " ard bet. Be a good girl Claudia." " haha you too Isabella." She started walking towards her way and I was looking for my dorm which was upstairs ugh I have to climb stairs too?? I finally reached the dorms section and I saw my dorm number and I walked in with peeking my head in first and I see a two girls. I walk in and say " hey um I'm your
New roommate I guess.." She just looked me up and down and got up. " hi there my name is Jennifer Reed nice to meet you and you are..??" "Isabella Martinez ". "ISABELLA OMG that's such a pretty name!!" " ugh thanks? I like your name too I have a cousin that her name is that.:)" " that's so cool haha" she said as she looked me up and down again . Okay what is up with her like is it a habit that she has or what cause it's getting annoying now. " omg your hair it's so pretty and long!! My hair is done by my personal stylist." " woah dude you have your own stylist that's so cool!!" I said in her kinda high voice. "Haha i know right if you want we can go shopping together and go to the salon you know cause your clothes are not fashionable and if you're
Gonna be here with us you need fashionable clothes." " excuse me?? Um no thank you I'm pretty sure I can dress how I want without anyone telling me what I can wear and what I can't. I'm not a Barbie like you." "Barbie?? Don't call me that cause I look horrible when I wake up!" " doesn't everyone??" " whatever we need to get you to start saying words like girl or Chica instead of dude." " well Jennifer I like to use dudee." And I don't wanna end up looking like a Barbie like you. So Chica my ass." " hey you can't talk to my Bestfriend like that!" " um who are you and I can say anything I want it's a free country Isn't it??" " my names Celina and I don't want you speaking to her like that !" Omg these Barbies are
Getting on my nerves. I should shut them up. Before I could even say anything else Jennifer said. " she's not worth it celina she can look like that if she wants I mean like we look awesome she just looks like a she shopped at a thrift shop with those ripped skinny jeans." " listen here Barbie apparently you don't really have a brain so I'm gonna say slow. I don't wanna look like a messed up Barbie doll. I wanna look like this. Okay??" "Well at least my dad cares about me since he buys me good clothes your
Mom seems to not love you as much." With that I grabbed the water bottle next to me and poured it on her head. " AAAAAAAAHHHHHH!! YOU BITCH!!" "Oops sorry Barbie didn't mean too. " " who do you think you are ???" Said Celina. "Oh don't worry there's enough for you too " and I shoved water Down her bra and walked out. I need to find my friends I thought to myself and looked at my dorm number and saw that it was upside down. " really I went through all of that to find my stupid dorm room and had to go through those Barbies stupid voices to only find out that wasn't even my room. REALLY?? " I said to myself. I finally found my real dorm and it was across from Jennifer's room and Celina's. I opened carefully and I saw Mercedes and Nevaeh inside. I opened the door all the way and I ran onto there beds. "OMFG IS THIS YOUR DORM ROOM PLEASE TELL ME IT IS " they both said. "YESS WOMAN IT ISSSSS!!" I said. "TURN UP!" We all screamed. " what took you so long??? Was the principle that hard on you guys???" They asked. "weeelllllll......" Was all I said and they knew I did something.

(Hope you guys like this chapter make sure to comment!! )

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