What just happened?

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Me and Alex ended up falling asleep around 4 am. He was gonna leave during that time but I told him to stay cause it's dangerous out there and who knows alec could be wondering outside during this time. I woke up to find only Mercedes still sleeping. I swear whenever I wake up I only find one person or no one in here with me. " WHYY?? get away from me! stoop!!" What the fuck is she dreaming about ?! Wait what if she's dreaming of Dylan!! "AHAHAHHAHAHAHA!!" She started laughing. I just stared at her and then i started laughing too. Nevaeh walked in with both of us laughing like we're high or something. "What the hell?? You guys sound like dying hyenas." I stopped and I looked at her all serious and then she did the same and we bursted out laughing. "Ahh!!" Mercedes screamed and fell off the bed. "AHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA" Me and nevaeh were dying of laughter. "Hey! It's not funny!" Mercedes said as she stood up rubbing her butt. She looked like she just had sex too. Her hair was poofy and crazy and she looked like she just woke up from having rough sex. "Soo how was it?" I asked. "How was what?" She asked confused. "The sex." I replied "oh it was- WAIT WHAT?! Um no what are you talking about?!" She said. I tried so hard to not start laughing but once me and nevaeh looked at eAchother we failed. "Wha- why are you guys laughing for???" Mercedes asked innocently, confused and whiny. "Nothing." Me and nevaeh said and looked at eachother. "You guys suck balls." She said annoyed. "You suck Dylan's" I said back. "WHA wha what??!! NO" she yelled as she went upstairs and got in the shower. "You got something to tell me?" Nevaeh said. " Wellll" "oh gosh I don't even wanna hear it again." She said. "What you know what happened?" "Yup" she said popping the P sound. "Alex told me and Mercedes." Nevaeh said. "we all think alec likes you." Abigail walked in saying. "Lies" I said. "Nope" they said. "Whatever" I said. "AW MAN I FORGOT MY TOWEL!" Mercedes yelled in the shower. i ran up and threw it in the bathroom and she got out. Then we all got dressed and ready and went out. " hey babe" Someone whispered in all of our ears. "Hey" everyone else said to their BAES and I just turned around. "Hey papi;)" alec was surprised with what I answered. So I just laughed and left him there standing with his mouth wide open and went to class.
*during class*
This class is so boring. Okay there's like 10 more minutes left of class I mumbled to myself. I saw alec from the corner of my eye looking at me so I turned to look at him. "Hey dude you should take a picture so you could stop staring at me." I winked and smiled then he smiled and shook his head and went back to doing his work. His dimples popped up and gosh he looked smexy smiling. "okay class you are dismissed, have a great day" mrs June said. "LUNCH TIME!" I yelled and grabbed all of my friends and ran out. "Okay then!" Abigail said. "Someone's happy " "shut up "I said. And as I was about to get in the lunch line alec grabbed me by the waist and took me outside. "What are you- MY FOO FOO!! I'm hungry dude! " "Chill out I just wanna ask you something that I've been wanting to ask you for a while now." Okay I'm scared right now. What's he gonna ask me? Okay Martinez be cool about it. Be cool. "What do you want dude and hurry cause my food probably misses me as much as I miss it." He grabbed my hand and looked me in the eyes. "Will you be my girlfriend?"

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