The bet

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Alecs POV
I saw her walking to the lunch line and I grabbed her and pulled her outside. I didn't hear what she said but I think it was something about her food. I'm gonna regret this after I ask her. So let me tell you the full story.

"I can get more girls then you" chase said. "Ha! You can't even get Maria!" I laughed at him. "Well you shouldn't be saying anything cause you can't get Isabella." Chase replied back. "yeah I can I just don't try" I smirked. "Well okay wanna make a bet?" "What bet?" I asked. "If you can get isabella to fall for you and be your girlfriend in a week then I'll buy you as many skateboards and shoes and whatever you want." "1 week?" I asked. I knew I was gonna regret it but I did it. "Deal" and we shook hands on it.

*end of flashback*
And that was about 2 days ago. So here I am. I alec Ramirez is about to ask Isabella Martinez out. Here I go I told myself in my head as I grabbed her hand and looked her straight in the eyes. "Will you be my girlfriend?" She just looked at me with a blank face. Gosh I hate when she does that! I can never understand her. She confused me all the time in middle school and she confused Abigail I think that's her name as well. I would always hear Abigail say to Isabella." I can never understand you. You confuse me too much." And it's true isabellas a confusing girl. "Uhh I'm sor- I'm sorry what??" She asked and snapped me out of my thoughts. "I just asked you if you wanna be my girlfriend?" "What??? Why?? I mean like I wouldn't mind but you confuse me and you're a butthole sometimes-" and I stopped listening by then and just watched as her lips moved as she said each word. Okay I'm getting turned on right now. "you also did that-" I stopped her mid sentence and kissed her she didn't respond quickly but she still did. Yup they were soft just like I remembered from last time. "So I take that as a yes" I winked. "Yeah sure why not?" She said a bit unsure of herself but then she started smiling. Maybe this won't be too bad I told myself as we just stared at Eachother and smiled. Her eyes were a lighter brown it's like if they lit up a bit. Maybe I won't have to do as much for her to fall in love with me. But yet maybe I will cause I think I'm starting to fall for her all over again. i smirked and said,"lets go inside babe;)" "what that's your name for me now?" She said. "No it's Bella cause Bella means beautiful and that's what you are " I said. she started blushing and damn she looked hot blushing. Oh gosh I sound like such a girl but I think I just won the bet. No I shouldn't be thinking of that cause I alec Ramirez likes isabella martinez just like I did in middle school and I can't stand to lose her even though I kinda hated her in the beginning but now she's growing on me so I can't screw this up. "Dude!" Chase was standing infront of me. "What the hell are you thinking about?" he asked annoyed. "I'm thinking about how I just won the bet. Martinez is my girlfriend so that means I'm getting new skateboards and shoes and whatever I want" I said proudly. "Liar" he said. "Go ahead and find out for yourself then" I said and went inside with him following me. "I will" he said as he started walking towards the group of girls laughing.

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