Chapter 23

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I woke up the next Morning in some awkward ass positions. I was relieved for some reason but i remembered that I had was starting today. I got ready and went to first period. I was walking and once I entered I was smiling and I saw alec and Kendall but I ignored them as if they were invisible. It honestly hurt but I wasn't gonna let them see and I wasn't gonna let them in. Everyone was looking at me with confusion and curiosity. The only people that knew was nevaeh,Mercedes and Jason. Jason kinda doesn't like alec anymore cause I after I told him about what happened with me and him he went to him and punched him in the face and then Nevaeh hit him as well with the bag and Mercedes kicked him and said shit to him. Yup hehe I love my bestfriends. I went to my normal seat and got on my phone and put in my headphones, the bell rang signaling that class was about to start so people had to start moving to their normal seats which meant chase and alec next to me. Ugh. I saw Alec glancing at me and chase just kept staring at Maria who was sitting in front of me and sometimes he would glance at me as well.
"What?!" I asked a bit annoyed.
"Huh?" Chase said.
"Not you fuck tard" I rolled my eyes.
"Fuck you then"
"No thank you"
"You're annoying"
"And you're a dick that has a little dick that needs a microscope to be seen" I said. Everyone was looking at us now instead of paying attention to the teacher. Chase was about to say something but alec beat him to it.
"Can you like shut the fuck up???"
"Can you like um shut the fuck up cause I don't remember inviting you to this conversation between me and chase" I said as I gave him a bitchy smile.
"Well I don't need to be invited especially by someone like you with no class or manners" he spit back.
"Ha! You shouldn't be talking and may I remind you that you dated me the girl with "no class or manners" " I said angry now.
"But you were a mistake"
"I'm pretty sure the mistake was you. I made a mistake to saying yes to you if that's what you mean"
"No I mean dating you was"
"Well I'm glad we're on the same page now cause babe you were one for me as well" I winked and got up and walked out of the classroom. Everyone was listening intensely and watched me walk out the door. Gosh!! He makes me so fucking mad and I just wanna punch his beautiful face and take out his beautiful Green eyes and feed it to a snake or something!! Ughhhh this is poop. I stayed outside for about 5 more minutes so I could cool down and went back inside. Nevaeh was talking like always and Mercedes was sleeping while alec went to sit next to Kendall. Hey at least I only have to deal with chases dumb ass.
"Why you come back for??" Chase asked a bit annoyed
"Why you care?"
"Cause you sit next to me"
"Then move like alec did" I said as if it was the most obvious and easiest thing to do(which kind of was)
Chase didn't say anything he just looked at alec and shook his head and just ignored me for the rest of class. Weird he always says something. Class was finally over and me Abigail, Neaveh and Mercedes met up and went to lunch. We all got lunch for the first time all together. Alecs table is next to ours and the tables are pretty fancy they're round and have something on top of it that goes all the way to the ground so no one looks at anyone's feet Lls or see what they're doing under the table which isn't really a good idea to have but eh I don't really care. "Hey have any one of you visited alex?" I asked curiously
"Uh yeah I did on Saturday" Abigail said.
"I went Thursday" Mercedes said.
"And I went last night" nevaeh said. From the corner of my eye I saw maria and Kendall coming our way. Griffins with Drew making out with him. Go ahead and get it griffin lol. I need a life.
"we just came from seeing him" Kendall and maria said
"Wow i haven't visited him im horrible!" I said.
All the boys at Alec's and chase's table looked over at ours.
"What??" I said rudely.
"Who haven't you visited??" Alec asked suspiciously while eating his pizza. Shit. I forgot about him ugh he's probably gonna start on the whole alex thing again.
"Someone you shouldn't worry about."
"Is it that kid?"
"What kid?" Chase asked.
"I don't know I think you're going crazy if you're still on that" I said.
"No you are"
"Oh trust me babe I know I am "
Kendall looked at me when I said that and stared at me she looked jelly and Lucas looked kinda happy?
"Stop calling me babe"
"No I'm good babe" I winked and smiled this time. He just shook his head and looked down and kind of smiled??!
All of my friends were looking at me now except for Kendall who got up and walked out of the cafeteria.
"Poop I should go after her shouldn't I?" I asked them.
"Yup" they all replied.
"Ughhh" I said as I got up. I'm pretty sure everyone at Alecs table looked at me all over again and watched me walk out after Kendall. Wait shouldn't alec be doing this as well??
"Kendall!" I yelled down the hallway but she kept walking but faster this time. Well then, so I started running and I caught up to her and was walking next to her now. "What's wrong dude ??" I asked her.
"What's wrong ??!! Ha! You're gonna ask me what's wrong right when you flirt with the boy that I'm in love with that happened to be your ex boyfriend and you flirted right in front of my face too!"
"Damn chill out It just comes out naturally gosh and I don't like him in fact I hate him."
"Stop fucking lying!"
"What the fuck?? Why are you being such a bitch??"
"Why are you being such a thot???!" She yelled at me.
"Did you just call me a Thot??!!" I was mad Asf by now.
"YES because that's what you fucking are or act like!" She yelled at me.
"You can't be saying shit Kendall! You fucked with Lucas feelings and you flirt all the fucking Time and try to show off your boobs and you're normally the one that starts flirting with boys first and me well I only flirt if I feel like it or if their cute or they started first and I definitely don't show off my boobs! I'm alwYs wearing sweaters! So be careful on who you call a thot cause you could be considered one as well!!" I was hurt I thought she was my Bestfriend. I finished speaking to her and I walked away with tears in my eyes. I wanted to cry so badly. But I couldn't I knew I couldn't. I didn't even let her say something back cause I knew she wanted to cry as well and honesty I was dead now I needed to get my mind off of this for a bit. I called Claudia up but I alexander answered the phone instead.
"Alexander?? Why do you have Claudias phone?!"
"Oh hey isabella and cause she told me to answer Shes in the bathroom right now. Oh and I heard about my brother I'm sorry he's an idiot. "
"Oh and yeah I've noticed.. Um well do you know where Ariel is at the moment?" I asked him.
"Yeah he's at the stoner pit. Wait why do you need him??"
"I just wanted to ask him a few questions." I lied.
"Oh okay well I'll see you around or talk to you later." Alexander said.
"Uh yeah thanks" and I hung up. I went to the stoner pit and found him.
"What are you doing over here?" Ariel asked.
"I need some weed."
"Oh wow long time since you've asked me for some. here" he said as he handed me enough For one blunt.
"Thanks" i saidz
"Yeah but if you get caught don't say you got it from us you hear me ??"
"Yeah yeah yeah I know I'm not a snitch and I'm not stupid I can control myself."
"Bet" he said and I walked away and I went to a secret place by the woods that I found not so long ago. uhhh I'm gonna go to hell and Claudias gonna get mad if she finds out that I started smoking again without her with me. Let me tell you I had my first smoke in like 6th grade with Claudia and my first drink in 4 or 5 grade with Claudia as well. She always told me to never do it by Myself until I knew how to control my self so I wouldn't get caught. Well I know how to control my self but I think she'll get mad cause in 8 grade I would smoke weed and drink a lot and she got scared that I would get addicted so she made me stop. Well sorry Claudia but I need some right now I whispered to my self as I inhaled the blunt.
**half an hour later**
I started laughing like a weirdo. I noticed how alone I was in the woods. My eyes I don't even know how they look Right now. I mean I'm actually happy right now but I think it's wearing off. I put drops in my eyes so people wouldn't notice that I was high. I walked back to the school and went to 5 period damn I missed 2 classes. I walked in before anyone else was in there and I took my seat. I saw Alec walk in and when he saw me he looked relieved?? I started laughing out loud. Literally.
"Um what's up with you??" He asked me.
"Huh" I said in between laughs
"Why are you laughing?"
"I don't know" I laughed
"are you okay??" He asked
"Yupp" I said and smiled brightly at him.
he just smiled and looked down and the bell ringed class is about to start.
I'm pretty sure I laughed so much during class that everyone else started laughing as well and I got yelled at a lot and a lot of werid looks by alec and chase and my friends. Except for Kendall she just glared at me whenever I laughed that made me laugh even more. Wow I guess i lost her. Life is just great. I think the teacher said I had morning detention tomorrow. Poop. Can this get any better? Eh whatever I told her. chase and alec looked at eachother and then at me suspiciously. I looked at them.
"You lose something" I smirked
"Yeah we lost isabella" chase said
"She's been gone for a while now so come back when she gives a fuck" I smiled
"Nevermind she's back"alec said
"Hmm really is she really?" I said as I leaned close to him
He turned his head and our faces were inches apart
"Uhh yeah" he smirked and got closer to my face
"Glad she is " I said as I brushed my lips on his and the bell ringed signaling class was over. I got up and smirked at alec and walked out. From the corner of my eye I saw him shocked and Kendall was glaring at me and if her looks could kill someone right now I would be wayyyy dead. Then I saw Alec get up and go over to her and started talking to her and he looked serious. She might not like me anymore but I'm still gonna be here for her even if she isn't for me. "Bell!" I heard griffin yell. It's about time this woman showed up I turned to her and I bumped into someone. I looked up and saw Marie. Marie
"Oh I'm s-" she didn't get to finish her sentence when she saw who I was.
"Marie" I said
"Nice to see you again" she smiled evilly.
"Ha. Not nice to you see again" I smirked and her stupid smile went away and turned into a scowl. Yup it's official life just got worse.

( I just wanted to thank everyone who's reading this. I'm almost at 1k !! )

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