Chapter 21

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Isabella's POV
"I can't believe this happened!!"I screamed as tears rolled down my face. "I Fucking thought he meant everything he said and me being that stupid dumb bitch that I am believed him!"
I was screaming in my pillow. I felt my heart shattering every scream I took. I couldn't anymore. I couldn't do it anymore. I wouldn't be okay after this. I fell in love and he broke my heart.
"Isabella!" Alec screamed through the door while knocking. How the fuck does he have the balls to come over here when everything he told me was a lie??! He broke me! He broke my heart and he has the enough balls to come up to my dorm!
"Please open the door"
I got up and opened it. I still loved him and I kind of wanted to hear what he would say.
"Let me explain" he said very quickly once I opened the door and I let him in.
"What is there to explain alec?? You obviously didn't give a shit about me!"
"That's not true isabella. I fell in love with you I really did."
"Guess what? I did too but I think I've already fallen out of love with you." I said as my eyes started watering and before I could stop the tears from falling they fell and I cried.
" You know I actually thought that everything was getting better and that you actually meant what you said but no reality hit me and I found out the truth."
"But I did mean what I said and it was stupid for me to do that stupid bet but isabella I really do love you"
"Bullshit! you're a fucking liar! You fucked me over for some stupid skateboards!!! Well guess what alec Ramirez if you haven't already noticed I hate you and i don't ever wanna be with you again cause I'm worth much more money than your stupid skateboards !! Now please leave before I get administration." I said as my eyes started to water.
"Fine." He said sad and mad. "Just know one thing I'm gonna get you back because I love you" and I shut the door in his face and sat down on the floor. "Why??!" I screamed and cried. "Why me?? Why now?? I was actually feeling happy and this happens!" I bawled my eyes out.

I woke up the next day on my bed without any memory. But my head was killing me and my whole body ached and I was on my bed. Then the memories came back. Alec played me. It was all a bet. I remembered that I was on the floor by the door so how did I get on my bed?
"Morning booty" nevaeh said.
"Morning dude" Mercedes said.
"Hi" I said back. Did they move me?
"Um so how did I get on the bed?" I asked.
"we know what happened with alec" Mercedes blurted out and nevaeh looked at her.
"Uh yeah booty you okay?" nevaeh Asked.
"Oh um yeah I guess I mean no wonder he asked me out.."
"How dare he do that??!! We're gonna kill him!" Nevaeh yelled.
"YEAH" Mercedes yelled back.
I just started laughing I swear these too are like my life. They bring my life back to life you know? They're just life.
"I love you guys!" I laughed. I don't know what I'll do without them.
"Come on let's get dressed and go downstairs and be fat" nevaeh said.
"I don't want to I'm gonna have to see alec" I sighed
"But if you don't go then he'll know that he got to you and that you're heart broken and yeah" Mercedes said.
"But I am and he did get to me" I stated.
" But he doesn't need to know that how him that you're stronger then that. BE BRAVE AND STRONG DUDE!" Mercedes said.
"Ugh fine lets go dudes" I said. We got dressed and I swear it took us 3 hours cause we kept goofing around and just being us lol. We were walking down the stairs and chase came up to us. "Hey guys" We just ignored him or at least tried cause Mercedes eyes traveled to him but quickly looked away. "Oh what so now all of you are ignoring me?" No reply.
"Mercedessss" he said while looking at her and smiling and flashing his dimples and Mercedes looked like she wanted to smile. She started making that face like I wanna laugh but I can't. Chase stopped Mercedes and they faced Eachother. " so my bestfriend ignoring me too"
"Whaaaaattt" Mercedes replied.
He just shook his head smiled looked down and looked back up at her. me and nevaeh were watching from behind chase and I told Mercedes to hurry up and let's go with my hands. Well all walked into the cafeteria and everyone's eyes came to us. "Why are they all staring at us?" Mercedes whispered.
"I don't know " nevaeh replied.
everyone literally kept their eyes on us as we walked to the line and then we saw alec. Lucas was In front of me and then I just saw alec get in front of him. Okay okay pretend you don't see him pretend you don't see him.
I can't believe they still do this. "Hey isabella" Kendall came up to me. "Hi"
"What's wrong?"
"Huh nothing just thinking and music you know the usual."
"True true " was all she said after and started talking to nevaeh and Mercedes.
*bing bing* I got a new text message. I opened it and it was from alec.
alec: dear isabella Martinez,
I know you probably hate me but I love you. I fell in love with you and I probably always been in love with you. I remember those days at school where you were just crazy and other days you were so quiet. I remember how you would always be with nevaeh Abigail and Mercedes I never saw you without them. You've always been so beautiful and I noticed you most of the time. But I love you and you might not believe me but I don't care cause I love you. I love you so much.
I finished reading it and I had tears in my eyes. I quickly turned off my phone and looked at him and went up to him.
"Fuck you. If you really did love me you wouldn't have done that stupid bet with chase." And I walked away. I knew I was being a bitch but I didn't care but deeply down I did.
** 2 weeks later **
Alecs been sending me messages every day and Kendall found out about what happened between me and him she was a bit upset at first but then she got over it. She asked me if I still liked him and if I would mind if she went out with him if he ever asked her out. I told her no and that I wouldn't mind. And ever since that days she been tying to get his attention and flirting with him and he's been paying more attention to her lately. "OMG!! Isabella!! GUESS what??!!" Kendall came up to me screaming all happy.
"Alec likes me and he asked me out and we're going out!!!"
wow. So much for loving me no..
"Woww I'm so happy for you!!!"
"You don't mind do you?"
"Okay I love you bae!!"
"Haha love you too"
I thought he actually did love me. He cried yesterday telling me he loved me! And now he's going out with one of my Bestfriends. God I'm so stupid! I almost actually believed him too!! All I wanna do right now is kill him and stab him like what he did to me. I thought I meant something to him I really did.
But you know what I'm about to go bad ass and I'm gonna tease him cause you know what? fuck everything. Let's see how he'll feel.

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