Chapter 24

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( I'm like 3 people away before I hit 1k! )

Let me explain a little bit. Okay so Marie is a bitch my enemy. I've known her since kindergarten and she's hated me since and made my life miserable and when I mean miserable I mean miserable. She ruined about 6 or 7 years of my life and now she's back. Mercedes ,nevaeh and maria know her cause we all went to 5 grade together and they saw how much of a bossy mean bitch she was and how she treated me most of the time. I didn't really do anything cause I use to be shy and quiet and afraid but now I'm capable of sending her to the hospital.
"How have you been isabella?"
She smiled. Bitch.
"Well you see I was great until I saw your hideous face"
She was about to say something when I heard my friends.
"MARTINEZ!!" Nevaeh yelled down the hall.
She started walking towards me and saw who was infront of me.
"What in the gelling world is this??" She said confused while looking at Marie.
"Well nice to see you as well Neaveh and Mercedes" Marie said.
"omg! New girl!! Oooh you're pretty too and you've got fashion gurla!" Jennifer came out of nowhere
"Okay do you always complement or offend someone new??" I asked her a bit annoyed
"Who was talking to you??" Barbie asked.
"Ah Barbie no one even asked you to join in a conversation that you weren't a part of "
Marie was staring at Jennifer. Or great she already found someone else to ruin my life with.
I walked way with my friends before Jennifer could even say anything else.
Jennifer's POV
She just walked away from me! God she confuses me so much. I saw that she was talking to the new girl so I decided to annoy by coming into the conversation. "What's your name ?" I heard her ask
"Jennifer how about you?"
"Marie" that's a cool name sounds like maria but they're nothing alike.
"Oh wow! So do you and isabella know eachother?" I mean I needed to know cause she creeped me out how she was looking at isabella. It's not like I care about her or anything but you know I have a heart.
"Actually we do we use to go to the same elementary school together." She replied.
"You hate her don't you?"
"What?" She caught me off guard.
"I mean like the way you two talk to eachother it seem like you two hate eachother or don't like eachother" she added. Why would she even care?
"Haha we don't hate eachother we just have differences and we don't have the best first impression of eachother either."
"Oh ha! Okay well I'll see you around!" She waved bye
And I waved back. She gave me the creeps she doesn't seem like a good person either. Why would she care if I liked isabella or not. I mean like I don't like her but doesn't mean I shouldn't care for her right??? Eh it was probably nothing.
Isabella's POV
She gets on my nerves like for real!! Why would she come into the conversation when she wasn't even invited too??!! And Marie ! She's back!! I have to worry about her too. I know she still hates me but I think I do too. She ruined 6 years of my life and she's one of the reasons why I'm the way I am.
"Aye yo nigga long time no talk va?" Claudia said.
Oh wow I didn't even notice she was here.
"Hey dude and yah classes though and you're probably getting it on with alexander;)"
"Shut up." She blushed. Wait she blushed??! I've never seen her blush!!
"Omg! Is Claudia blushing??" I laughed. She just blushed more which made me laugh even more.
"Where is he anyways??"
"Um I think he went to the front office with Alec cause their dad was here or something"
"oh" was all I said.
"yeah we need to do something bad"
"I've been thinking that lately too!"
"Got any ideas??" She asked.
"Spill now"
"Okay so you know how tomorrow we have a project to do and didn't they say that your grades joining us too?"
"Oh yeahh they said that our side and your sides gonna be combined cause they're gonna fix our side" she said
"Okay so that means we have about 2 weeks to cause trouble and we start tomorrow"
she was gonna say something when I heard alexander call Claudia.
"Stop screaming" I heard Mr. Ramirez say
"Yeah man" alec said.
Oh snap claudias about to meet Alexander's dad wow their relationship is serious then. I wonder if they had sex.... Wait what is wrong with you isabella you shouldn't be thinking about this!
"Yes" Claudia said.
"I'll like you to meet my dad and dad this is my girlfriend Claudia and her cousin isabella."
"Hi nice to meet you" me and Claudia said and shook his hand.
His dad had bodyguards around him and they creeped me out.
I looked at alec and he was staring and me and then he smirked.
Oh no. I know what he's thinking.
"Um excuse me I have slot of homework to do. See you guys later" I excused myself and quickly fast walked away. I was about to enter my room when someone grabbed me by my forearm.
"Hey! What's your problem?????" I turned around and was facing a chest and I looked up and saw that it was alec.
"What do you want alec?"
I sighed.
"Wondering why you actually left" he smirked.
"Cause I knew what you were thinking"
"And what was that?" he leaned against the wall. I just crossed my arms and said," you were gonna say that I was your girlfriend"
he looked shocked.
"How'd you know?"
"Hmm i don't know maybe cause you gave me that type of look."
He smirked and started walking towards me and I was backing up until I hit a wall. Curse this wall!
"Oh really now." He whispered as he started to lean down.
"Don't you have a girlfriend?" I blurted out.
"Nope. we broke up yesterday." He said getting closer. Oh gosh what
Do I do ?? I thought he hated me. Hmm.
I went on my tippy toes and pecked his lips really fAst.
"I thought you hated me." I smirked "and it doesn't seem like you don't care about me since you wanna kiss me " I whispered close to his face again.
He looked shocked. Like completely shocked. then his dad the mayor walks in."oh so alec you have a girlfriend now "and Alec looked at me smirking and came to hug me."yes this is isabella, isabella this is my dad . " I've already met you but nice to meet you again "his dad shook my hand. "Haha yeah.." I'm all confused and I see all my Alecs and my friends peeking their heads listening to what's going on. "Well I got to go. Be careful alec" his dad chuckled. And my eyes widened. What did he mean by that??? when his dad finally left i pretended I didn't see my Nosy friends and yelled at Alec. "what the fuck Is wrong with you ??!! I don't wanna be your girlfriend!"
" Well you did like about a couple of weeks ago "he kept walking towards me and I kept walking backwards until I hit a wall and I died cause I looked into his eyes and his face soften a little but then went back to cold with a stupid smirk.
"fine I'll pretend to be your girlfriend around your daddy but I think you're the one that wants to be close to me" I smirked
"Let me just tell you he's going to be coming here often now that alexander AND me have
A girlfriend" he smirked. I walked away from him and left him behind without saying a word.
Wow so much for trying to forget about him now I'm his girlfriend but only around his dad. He's going to use me again! Let's see if he could handle me around his dad.

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