Ah great here we go again!

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It was a nice snowy day. And me sitting in my boring little history class. Like seriously. Why do we need to study history I mean what are going to do studying the past??? Anyways if your wondering who I am then I'm Kiara. Kia for short.

Yes I really hate studying. I'm not a very quite girl. But I don't talk a lot. I have one best friend. Her name is Kelly.

Kelly is amazing! It's just really lucky to have a friend like her. She tries her best to study but never is concentrating. Otherwise she's cool. We hang around a lot. Like most of the times.

Now if your thinking about my family the I have a mother and an elder brother. My mom is cool but you better not get on her bad side. My brother's is super super super protective about me. You do anything to me and your gone. Me and brother are very close. But there are times when we fight. But that's completely fine. I was shot out of my thoughts when the teacher said, "Tomorrow history test."

What in the world! Are you kidding me? Seriously??? Great gotta study today. So we went out of the class and I saw the people I hate. Well not exactly hate but ya you get the idea.

Jack, "Hey looser."

Me, "what do you want Jack?"

Jack, "What would I want?"

Kelly, "I think that's what she just asked you."

Jackson, "I'm sorry about him."

Me, "Ha as if your really sorry."

Jackson, "I seriously am. Can I talk to you?"

Me, "Fine.." so we go out of the school. Kelly coming behind. We go in a cafe.

Jackson, "Kelly I really need to talk to her alone."

Kelly, "Fine.. But I'm still sitting here in the cafe." She says this and goes to a table a little far from ours.

"I'm seriously sorry that Jack acts like that with you. But listen I'm not like that you know that very well. Can't we be together again?" Jackson said. Yes guys I was dating him until he kissed another girl.

"I'm sorry but no we can't. It's just not only because of Jack. It's because of what you did too." I said.

"That wasn't me.  I mean it was but you know she put something in my drink." Jackson said.

"No Jackson.... Just no.." I said.

"Ok... " Jackson said.

"But you can help me with something?" I said.

"Sure." Jackson said with a smile.

"We need to get Jonathan and Kelly back together. I mean they broke up cause of both of us." I said. After we broke up both of them also broke up. And I really want them to be together.

"Yup I agree. But how?" Jackson said.

"Hmm. After school isn't he always in the library?" I said.

"Yup true. But I don't know about today. Wait I'll check." Jackson said. He removed his phone and called Jonathan. He put it on speaker.

Jackson: Hey dude! Where are you?

Jonathan: Where else bro? I'm in the library.

Jackson: Seriously? Why?

Jonathan: Were you deaf when miss said that there will be a test tomorrow?

Jackson: Oh shit! Bring notes with you when your back.

Jonathan: Ok. Sure. Gotta go. Bye!

Jackson: Bye.

"So he is in the library. Good thanks!" I said.

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