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Kiara's POV.

It's been two months that Clyde and Allan have come. The international singing competition has started and of course me and Jackson won the first round. Now we have started to practice our second song. This is me. I love songs like these.

Right now it is a Sunday so we're all just chilling in my bedroom. We're all doing whatever we want. I am just going through my galary and deleting all the unwanted stuff. Hey I remember this picture.

It was a picture of me and a puppy and Allan and Clyde like a metre away from us.


"Guys remember we need to go to Kate's house." I said. Kate is my neighbour.

"And why is that?" Clyde asked.

"I want to play with her puppy." I said.

"You know we don't like dogs." Both Allan and Clyde said.

"She's not a fully grown dog. She's just a puppy. She won't do anything to you." I said. Kicking a stone.

"She still comes in the dog category!" Both said .

"Fine. But you guys are still coming right?" I said.

"Yup. We'll never leave you." Both said.

"Ok. But... Since you guys are not going to play with her.... You both need to give me fifty francs each." I said with a smirk.

"Fifty???" Both shouted.

"Well if that's not enough then hundred each will do." I said.

"What!?? No??! We're good with fifty". Both of them said. And I laughed. We reached Kate's house.

" kia ! comment vas-tu ?" Kate said.

(Hey Kia! How are you?)

"Je vais bien Kate. Comment vas-tu?" I said.

(I'm good Kate. How are you?)

"Toujours aussi bon. Le chiot est ici." Kate said.

(As good as always. The puppy's here.)

"Comment allez-vous tous les deux ?" Kate asked Clyde and Allan who were so damn far from the puppy.

(And how are you two?)

"Bon on va bien" both said.

(Well we're good.)

I went and picked up the puppy. Omg she's so so so cute! I wonder why Clyde and Allan get so scared of dogs. It's a pity. Hey I have an idea. I let the puppy down and started running. And the puppy followed me. I went straight towards Clyde and Allan who were talking to Kate.

"What the hell!" I heard Allan say as the puppy ran towards him and Clyde. They started running and the puppy was behind them. I was laughing like a mad person. But it was so damn funny. What do you expect?

"Katie come here girl." I said and the puppy ran to me. And also I was still laughing. Then they came to me.

"Your.... not.... getting... your ...fifty.... francs!" Clyde said panting Allan was not able to open his mouth.

"Ok I'll let her run after you again." I said. He gave me a death glare.

"We'll.... Just..... Give... Her...." Allan said.

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