The Singing Competition.

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Third Person POV.

It's been two months since Kiara's birthday. Everything was going on smoothly. Everything ws perfect for Kiara. She loved her life. Today was the fifth of May. Kiara was just on her way to Kelly's house. She couldn't make up her mind whether she should go to Kelly's house or Jackson's house. But she couldn't stay at home home too. Andy was having some really important meeting and Andy says that Kia is just too noisy.

"What should I do? These people never pick up their phone on the right time." Kia said to herself. "I think I should just go to the school library. It's open right? Yeah." And so she was on her way to the school library. She entered and say Jonathan. Of course she thought. She went to him.

"Hey Jonathan." Kia said.

"Hey. Your here?" Jonathan said whith one eyebrow raised.

"Why can't I be here?" Kia asked.

"You can.. But the last place anyone will find you it's here." Jonathan said looking at his book. And Kia knew what he said was true. This is the last place anyone would find her.

"Well when people don't pick up their phone you have to go to the place that you hate the most." Kia said. Jonathan smiled 'cause he knew who she was talking about.

"Hey what about the singing competition?" Jonathan asked.

"They postponed it." Kia said. "One of the school had some problem with the date."

"So when is it now?" Jonathan said.

"Next week." Kia said.

"Shouldn't you guys be practicing?" Jonathan said but he wished he hadn't.

"Exactly what I'm saying. But that stupid friend of yours doesn't care a bit. Then on the day of the competition he will get all worked up and all. And then after it is done he say 'It was a piece of cake right?'" Kia said in an annoyed voice.

"He'll call. You wanna get a coffee?" Jonathan said.

"But weren't you studying or reading?" Kia asked. Jonathan never would stop studying or reading until he was done.

"Well when The Great Kia is around you, you can never study nor read." Jonathan said and Kia giggled knowing this was true. No matter how much you try you can never study around Kia. So they set off to get a coffee. THey jut reached the café When Kiara got a call from Jackson.

"Hey Kia. How are you?" Jackson said.

"I'm fine. Where the hell have you been?" Kia said.

"I'm sorry I couldn't-" Jakson said.

"You know how worried I've been?" Kia said.

"All the best bro." Jonathan muttered under his breath.

"My phone was on silent." Jackson said.

"Throw your phone out of the window. What's the point of having a phone if you can't pick up calls?" Kia said. Jonathan was trying so hard to stop himself from laughing.

"It wasn't my fault. Jack had done it." Jackson said.

"Jackson he isn't a small kid who will put your phone on silent" Kia said.

"But he really did it." Jackson said.

"You know what I don't have the strength to fight. We need to practice." Kia said.

"Today evening?" Jackson said glad that the other topic was closed.

"Nope tomorrow morning." Kia said.

"But what's wrong with today evening?" Jackson said a bit disappointed.

"Andy and me are going out to an uncle's place. We've not met him for the past ten years. So can't do today evening." Kia said.

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