Everything is just awkward.

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Kia's POV.

Just two days ago there wasn't so much tension in this bloody house. Just two days ago everything was fine. Just two days ago I didn't have one angry and refusing to talk mother and two elder brothers who shot death/angry glances at each other. Just two days ago my life was perfect. And now it's like hell. No one talks anymore. Everything is just on the verge of....of...of.... What's the right word? Blasting. I've had enough of this. This has to end!

"Ok. What the hell is wrong with everyone?" I said standing up at the dinner table. Everyone's attention was on me.

"What happened?" Andy simply said like as if he was in class and I had simply made a mistake.

"What happened? What happened? This is outrageous! What do you mean by what happened? You guys" I said pointing to Andy and Adrian. "Both of you guys have not spoken to each other since Adrian has come back, mom here" I said turning towards mom, "You too don't talk anymore! Ya'll just act like as if everything is fine but nothing is fine! Inside you guys are having a volcano that is about to erupt!"

"Your asking us what's wrong? Ask him!" Mom said pointing to Adrian. "He just vanishes in the middle of the night and then we had to search and then too we never found him and then now he just shows up thinking everything will be fine! Well things don't work like that Kiara!"

"Ok! I get that! But maybe he has something to say! Maybe we should reason out with him!" I said.

"There is no reasoning out to do Kia!" Andy said. Out of all the people I expected him to atleast understand! But no! Mr. No reasoning out to do, is the worst person in understanding stuff!

"If only y'all listen!" I said.

"They never wanted to. That's the reason in the first place that I left!" Adrian suddenly said who had been quite the entire time. "No one listened to me. Mom used to act too strict when it came to me. Dad was the only person who ever understood me. He atleast used to listen!"

"I... I didn't want to be strict." Mom said. With a hell lot of emotions on the face and in her voice. "You just were such a stubborn little boy! You didn't even want to go to school!" Mom said laughing a bit like as if memories came flooding back to her. " So many damn complains! Every day called to the headmaster's office! What did you expect me to do?"

"Nothing! I would find my way out wouldn't I?" Adrian said. "It was just a phase! A phase that everyone goes through! Maybe Andy didn't! But we're different. Yes we are twins and yes I am the elder one but.... But you just can't expect the same thing from me! I am not a Mr. Stuck up!" I gave a small laugh.

"I am not a Mr. Stuck up! You just shut me out completely!" Andy said.

"Yeah. That's because we were always compared to each other. And by always I mean always!" Adrian said. I just sat there quitely watching this family drama. "Whether it be clothes, whether it be looks, anything and everything!"

"Do you think I liked it?" And said. "I never liked it. I hated it."

"But you could manage. I couldn't!" Adrian said.

"So you left because...." Mom said unable to finish her sentence.

"Yes. Because I was just compared with my younger twin brother. Even though everything between us according to looks was the exact same we were still compared." Adrian said. He sighed and went to mom and hugged her and said, "I know I shouldn't have left. It was my fault. I should've just spoken to you or dad or someone. But as you just said a few minutes ago. I am a little stubborn boy. And not just anyone's, I am your little stubborn boy."

Mom started crying. It's been long since I've seen her cry... The last time I saw her crying was when dad...

I had my eyes closed so when I opened them I found Andy too hugging mom. I joined in.

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