One good and peaceful day.

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Third Person POV.

After last night everything was normal. Kia didn't feel like she was in jail or something, it finally felt like she was home. She loved it. She loved the feeling in the air. Everything was normal and fine for once. There was nothing to worry about well maybe except the history test results.

"I promise you I have failed. I'm telling you." Kia told Kel as the entered the school.

"Stop stressing so much! It's just a mini test. It's not like you would've failed a huge exam or something." Kel said.

"But then... Mom won't sign it!" Kia cried again.

"She will don't worry." Kel told Kia.

"What's going on?" Jonathan said as he and Jackson came to where Kia and Kel were which was near their lockers.

"Good morning love." Jackson said to Kia.

"Bad morning." Kia said.

"Why?" Jackson asked looking puzzled.

"History test results." Kia said.

"I'm sure it's gonna be fine. Stop stressing." Jackson said.

"That's exactly what I told her." Kel said.

"It's going to be fine. Stop worrying. It's not like if you worry Mrs. Kenneth will give you more marks." Jonathan said.

"Ok..." Kia said but was still not satisfied.

"Come on let's go to class." Jackson said holding out his hand for Kia to take. Kia linked her hand with his and they made their way to class.


"Miss Laurent." Mrs. Kenneth called out Kia's name. Jackson slowly kissed her on her cheek this gave Kia a bit of confidence, she smiled at Jackson and then went to get her paper.

"I hadn't expected this from you but good." Mrs Kenneth said. This relived Kia a lot. She smiled in response and took the paper.

6/10. Good.

That was a huge relief.

"See I told you it's going to be fine." Jackson said.

"Yeah." Kia said nodding.


"Me and Jonathan were planning on going to the..." Jackson broke off.

"Going to the what?" Kel said

"Mall to but some stuff." Jonathan said smiling.

"You guys never ever go to the mall when we ask you guys to come with us." Kia said

"Well we've got some work to do." Jackson said.

"What kind of work?" Kia said with one eyebrow raised.

"Some work you'll know of later." Jonathan said.

"Ok?" Kel said. And the girls left

"Ok. So now let's go." Jackson said.

"Why were you not so sure on telling them where we are going?" Jonathan said as the started walking.

"Because of the next question that they asked." Jackson said.

"Oh ok." Jonathan said.


"This is for you." Jackson said his hands kind of shivering.

"What is it?" Kia asked with curiosity.

"Open it." Jackson said. Kia opened the box and inside layed a silver chain. And it said.

Love you for ever


Ok. So this is the end of this story. I'm sorry if you were expecting more. N I had more ideas but then they don't fit. So I'm sorry. Please vote and don't forget to comment!

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