A trip to the past.

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Kiara's POV.

So hey guys it's I don't even know the date. Uh... I seriously don't even want to check. Ok so I'm in the middle of a history class. As you all know I hate history so I'm going to tell you a bit of my life before I came to California. Yeah guys I wasn't always here. I first lived in France. So ya let's go into the past!


So hey guys! It's what's the date? Oh ya 2nd of Jan. Ya so that's that. Where am I? I'm in school. Obviously. But I love this subject. It's nice. It's bio.

Anyways today's Clyde's birthday. And I haven't wished him yet. But he'll just have to wait. If your wondering who Clyde is then he's my best friend. I have two best friends. One is Clyde and one is Allan. Both are super nice.

So class is over. Great. So it's lunch time and I see Clyde and Allan in front of me. I sneak up on them and shout, "Happy Birthday Monkey!"

"Ahh! Donkey! Thanks!" Clyde said.

"Where have you been?" Allan said.

"School." I said. Allan just rolled his eyes. "So what do you want for your birthday?" I asked Clyde.

"Two free icecreams" Clyde said. "Sure!" I said. Then I see Daniel walking towards us. Oh no.

"Hey Kia!" Dan said.

"Hey Dan! How are you?" I said.

"I-" Dan started.

"Don't talk to her! Go!" Clyde and Allan said. And Dan just rolled his eyes and went.

"Clyde! Allan! What was the need of doing that?" I asked.

"You know we don't like you talking to a boy!" Both said. I just rolled my eyes.

"But then I shouldn't be talking to you too." I said.

"Boys who are not us." Both said. I just rolled my eyes.

Then after school we went to the ice cream shop that was close by. A waitress there knows us very well. Her name is Hannah.

"qu'est-ce que vous voulez aujourd'hui ?" Hannah asked.

(What do you guys want today.)

"La même chose que nous prenons tous les jours. Merci." We three said.

(The same thing we take everyday. Thanks.)

She went and got our ice cream. We had a ton of fun that day. It was amazing. I stayed at Clyde's house that day. Over night party! But we actually fell asleep quite early.

But then I got a call from mom... She said that dad had an accident... Everything changed... Clyde's mom dropped me off at the hospital he was admitted in. I ran inside. It is four o'clock in the night and I'm here. An operation is going on. I just hope it's successful. I wonder... No wait dad said he will be coming home late..

After one hour the operation was done. The doctor said that the operation was successful but he still isn't completely out of danger.

Andy told me to go back home. But I couldn't be there alone. Not right now. So I told him I'll go to Clyde's and he said ok.

I went. As soon as he opened the door he hugged me. I couldn't see Allan around so I asked Clyde where he is. He told he had to go home. I couldn't sleep after I went back. It was like impossible. I checked the time it was seven in the morning.

I waited for like another hour and then Andy called.

"Hey... Kia.." he said in the saddest voice ever.

"Andy is everything alright?" I said.

"Dad Couldn't make it." Andy said. I just cut the call and the phone fell from my hand. It was on speaker so Clyde heard it. He wrapped his hands around me. I screamed, cried like I never had done befor. I hid my face in Clyde's neck. I cried and cried... Till I got tired and fell asleep. I could feel Clyde carrying me bridal style and taking me to his room. He stroked my hair until I went to sleep.

I was half sleeping. But soon I fell asleep. I think I woke up again at 9:30am. I called for Clyde. He came and hugged me. I got off bed after sometime. Changed my clothes and all that. When I went down I saw Andy. He came and hugged me and started crying. I didn't cry that time cause I wanted to stay strong for Andy. He calmed down after sometime and we went home.

I headed straight for my room. I looked around my room and saw all the pictures of me and dad. My whole room is actually filled with pictures of me and dad. I couldn't believe the fact that dad was actually gone.... Why??? Why did you have to go dad?

Time passed. And it has been one week since the incident. Mom has been running here and there. It looks like she running the whole world. It's right now, 3:45 pm. And I heard mom calling me and Andy. I went downstairs.

"Come sit." Mom said.

"Is everything alright mom?" Andy asked. While we both sat down.

"I.. I have something to tell." Mom said.

"Ok." Both me and Andy said.

"We're shifting to California." Mom said. My heart shattered. Why? Why? O why?

"Why mom?" I asked in a low voice.

"We can't live here anymore. And we don't have money. We need to shift. And I also need to sell this house". This time I stood up.

"Sell the house??? Are mad? This house was bought when you and dad got married! You guys bought this house together and now your telling me you just want to sell it? There are so many memories here. Why? We can get money some other way. Selling the house isn't our last option." I said.

"Ok... Maybe we won't sell the house." Mom said.

"Good." I said. And I went back upstairs. I saw my phone and there were a ton of messages from Allan and Clyde. If.. if I go... Then that means leaving everything behind.... Allan..... Clyde... I might not even see them again. No.... This can't happen.... But it is... Suddenly I felt two hands hugging me from behind. It was Clyde. And then I felt Allan hug me too. They came in front of me and knelt down.

"Why is our donkey crying?" Allan said.

"Because you won't be able to see her in aa few days." I said. They exchanged confused, sad looks.

"Do you mean..." Clyde said.

"Yeah... I'm moving to California." I said.

"That's..." They tried to make it sound good but failed. I got off the chair and sat down with them.

"Hey.. it's not that bad. I'm sure I'll be able to meet you guys. And maybe even talk to a boy for a change without you guys poking your nose in the middle." I said.

"No. No. No. No. No. No." They both kept saying. Then they started tickling me.

"Ahhhhh stop! Guys stop!" I said. In the middle of laughing. Then they finally stoped.

"Ok ok. Maybe the person will talk to you guys first and then only I can talk to them. Is that fine?" I said.

"Ok." Both said.


Yeah. That's how I landed here. And yes Jackson had to really speak with them and only we started dating. I'm still in touch with Clyde and Allan. I really miss them. Their super protectiveness and everything else.

I just have to wait.

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