An Amazing Surprise.

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Kiara's POV.

Here I am in my music class. My favourite class of all. I love to sing... But I haven't sang since Jackson and I broke up. We met cause we had to sing in the international singing competition together and represent our school.

Which instrument do I play? I play the Violin. And Jackson plays the guitar and so does Jack. Kelly plays the piano.

Our class was over and we were about to go out of the classroom room Just when our sir said, "Kiara and Jackson stay back." We went to the teachers table.

"As you two know the international singing competition is coming soon. So I need the both of you to represent our school." Sir said. Jackson smirked at me. Cause if we both have to participate that means I need to practice with him.

"But sir you haven't taken auditions yet." I said.

"Yes I know. But after last year the principal said not to take the auditions and just qualify the both of you." Sir said. "So will you do it?"

"Yes sir." Jackson said.

"Yes sir." I said. And we headed out of the classroom and met Kelly and Jack and Jonathan. And Jonathan doesn't go for music class here. And he plays the piano. Jackson told them what happened and Kelly was overexcited.

"Finally! Yes! Thank. You. God! I'm going to hear your voice again! Yesssss!" Kelly said jumping up and down.

"Kelly calm down!" I said. We went home. And I got a call from sir.

"Good afternoon sir." I said picking up the call.

"Good afternoon. I have decided the song. It's Love story by Taylor Swift." Sir said.

"Yes sir ok." I said and he cut the call. I called Jackson.

"Whoa! You called? Like seriously!?" Jackson said. I hardly call him.

"Yes Jackson I called. Did sir tell you our song?" I said.

"Yup. Love story. Your favourite." He said.

"You remember?" I said.

"Of course." He said. There was a moment of silence and then he said, "When do you wanna start?"

"Idk today?" I said.

"Now?" He said.

"Ok! I'm coming in five!" I said.

"Ok. Bye." He said and cut the call. I reached and Jack opened the door. He dropped his phone but I caught it before it could touch the ground. I mean why is he so surprised?

"Uhh Kelly is not here." He said.

"Jack I didn't come cause of Kelly." I said.

"Jonathan isn't here either." Jack said.

"Jack I came cause me and Jackson have to practice!" I said.

"Oh... Ok." He said and finally let me in. We practiced for a while and then I got a call from Andy and he came to pick me up. I loved the feeling. Me singing again.. It felt amazing. Just amazing and being with Jackson just made it even better. Oh how I miss those times... I was lost in my own land when Andy shouted my name and I was shot out of my land. We went inside had dinner and went to sleep.

The next day arrived.. looks like I woke up late. But I didn't feel like going to college so I asked Andy if it was ok if I don't go. And he said it's fine. So today for me is chill day. I was going to spend the whole day in my room. Not studying at all. And only fun. So I sat in my bedroom balcony and was chatting with Clyde. Then I heard a very seriously very familiar voice.

"Hey ya Donkey! Miss us?"

No no. My heart started beating so damn fast. No... Like really is it who I think it is? I turned behind and saw... Oh. My. God. It was them! It was them! It was Clyde and Allan!!!??!!!!

"Am I dreaming?" I said.

"No your not." Clyde said.

"And is this the way you greet your best friends after meeting them after two years?" Allan said. I ran to them and hugged them.

"Why didn't you monkeys tell me???" I said.

"Cause we wanted to give you a surprise." Both said.

"I... Thanks guys for coming. Wait why did you guys come here?" I said.

"We're shifting here!!?!!" Both of them said.

"What!?!!???!" I said.

"Yeah both our mom's were transferred here you for a good opportunity." Clyde said

"So first mom said that only she'll go but then we said that we want to shift too. And there you go we're here!" Allan said.

"I seriously missed you guys." I said.

"We missed you too." Both said. Then I got a call from Jackson.

"Hey." I said.

"Hey kia! How are you?" He said.

"Aren't you supposed to be at college?" I said not answering his question.

"Oh I was helping two friends." Jackson said.

"Ok." I said.

"So you liked your surprise?" Jackson said.

"You knew?!??! You freaking knew?!??" I said.

"Whoa whoa whoa! Where did my kia go? You know the one who doesn't swear." Jackson said.

"You knew?!?" I repeated.

"Yup. I helped them." Jackson said.

"I'm gonna kill you!" I said.

"What? Why?" Jackson said.

"Just kidding now keep the call I'm gonna spend time with my friends." I said and I kept the call.

"Come on. I gotta show you around." I said. And we roamed the whole town that day. I went and met both their mom's helped them to unpack and everything. By the end of the day I was tiered as hell. I posted a ton of pictures of me and Clyde and Allan.

This made my day! I had a ton of fun. It was just amazing. And I started sing and dancing all over the house which is not the usual me. But still it was an amazing, astonishing and super great day. I loved it and I hope it remains this way. And maybe and I'm saying 'maybe' I might be back with Jackson. Who knows? I really want it to be like this.


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