Happy Birthday!

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Kiara's POV.

Hmm. So I'm at home lazing around. I'm alone as Andy is at work then the two donkeys had some secret mission then Jack, Kelly and Jonathan needed to go somewhere and finally Jackson is .... I don't know where he is cause he isn't picking up my call.

We really need to practice our song but I can't just go to his door and just knock. I mean what if his dad is at home? His dad doesn't like me much.. but this idiot doesn't understand anything. Today's Saturday. So Holiday for school. Even though the next round of the competition is after two months.... I really want to practice. And plus he isn't hanging out much with me these days. But I can't blame him too cause his father isn't usually at home, and now that he is... Jackson can't leave much. Jack can but Jackson can't.. if your wondering why then don't ask me cause I don't know either.

Tomorrow's a good day.. cause tomorrow is my birthday. Yup. I just hope Jackson can make some time to meet me tomorrow. Wait it's him calling.

"Hey kia.. sorry I couldn't call." Jackson said.

"I don't want your sorry." I said wanting to see how he reacts.

"Please? You know why I couldn't call..." Jackson said.

"Well I do know why you couldn't call but I'm still saying no." I said.

"Ok what will I have to do to get you to forgive me?" Jackson said.

"Find time for me tomorrow." I said.

"Ok but what's there tomorrow?" Jackson said. He doesn't really remember?? We weren't dating only for a couple of months and he forgot?

"Hello? You there?" Jackson said and I came back to my senses.

"Tomorrow... Er... Nothing much is there. I just said tomorrow cause well today it's late.. so ya." I lied.

"It's late? Love I guess your watch is broken cause it's just 3:30pm. It's afternoon." Jackson said. I'm not so good in lieing. That's not my thing. And stupid me didn't even look outside.

"Oh ya... My watch is broken. I guess. But still it's ok if we don't meet up today but please tomorrow can we meet?" I said.

"No.. I'm sorry but I can't. Dad's planning of something so ya.." Jackson said. Are you kidding me? I just cut the call. Ok I know I shouldn't have done that but I ain't calling back. If he wants let him call.

Jackson's POV.

"Did she just-" I heard Jack say.

"Cut the call? Yeah. She definitely did." Allan said.

"She's so damn upset with me." I said. "You should have heard her voice. Sounded like she wanted to get out of the house as soon as possible."

"Well she is frustrated. Hope she doesn't kill me tomorrow." Andy said.

"Guys let's just get going with the planning. Kia's been texting me like crazy." Kelly said. So if your wondering what is happening, then we made up excuses so that we can plan a surprise party for Kia. She's been acting like she's trapped in jail or something since this morning. So we really need to get a move on.

"So this is the plan." I said. After about three hours of planning of how things should go tomorrow everyone headed back to their house. Today was the first day I ever lied to Kia. Wow. I've never been able to do that.

Kiara's POV.

So yesterday was like I was trapped in jail. It felt like that. I mean just imagine everyone literally everyone had something to do. Even though it was a Saturday Andy had to go to work. Jackson literally sometimes gets onto my nerves. But today's guess what my birthday! It's my 19th birthday! It's right now seven in the morning. I think I'll get up.

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