The Eternal City

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The pod set down in the biggest open space that Carrom could find. Debris from crumbling buildings littered the ground, scarred by centuries of decay. Still, the buildings that surrounded the square hinted at the past grandeur of the city which - like everything else on this world - had long since faded and vanished.

Carrom checked the readouts on the panel in front of him. "We'll need full coverage suits," he said. "But what else did you expect from a runaway greenhouse effect?"

Marta undid the straps that held her in her seat. "I know," she replied. "I don't need the lecture. I've studied this place and its history."

Carrom followed his passenger to the suit locker. "Maybe. But while I'm bound by the terms of the contract, I have to make sure you don't come to any harm."

the pair donned their surface suits and - at last - stepped onto the surface of the world. Now that she was finally there, Marta felt overwhelmed by the weight of the city. Even though it had been abandoned and allowed to rot for millennia, the remnants of this once great civilisation spoke to her.

"Hey!" The sound of Carrom's voice brought Marta back to the present. "So, where are we going?"

Marta oriented herself against the surrounding buildings - or what remained of them. "That way." She pointed towards a domed building that lay on the far side of the square.

The two explorers picked their way through the debris strewn around them, Skirting the rubble of what had once been an obelisk, they made their way to the entrance of the building. A pair of sculpted bronze doors barred their progress, but not for long. the corrosive effects of the world's atmosphere had reduced the metal panels to fragile sheets that soon gave way to their efforts. Inside the great building, the artefacts that had been left behind had weathered slightly better than those outside. Still, Marta had to suppress a feeling of despair. Would what she had come to find still be here?

"Come on," Carrom muttered. "Are you sure you know what you're doing? We don't have time to waste on sightseeing."

Marta glared at him through the transparent crystal of her helmet. "I'm sure. Trust me." Carrom fell in behind her, following her through the great corridors of the building until they came to a grand chamber. "It should be here," Marta said.

Carrom surveyed the pitted and stained marble walls. "There's nothing here but dreck."

Marta pointed at the ceiling. "There. There it is." Carrom followed her gaze upwards. Above them, its colours faded with the passing of time but still visible in their suit lights, was a painting: two figures reclining, their arms outstretched towards each other ... .

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