Wanda's POV

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"Alright team. T'challa informed me of a mission for us to do." Steve says in the lounge a few days later. "There are two teams. The first one will be Me, Sam, and Natasha. The second one is Bucky, Wanda, Scott, and Clint. The first team is flying to Russia to confiscate a shipment of Chitauri weapons. The second team is taking Scott and Clint back to there homes. Tony managed to strike a deal for them, or so that's what T'challa said." At this I look at Clint and he gives me a small, sad smile. Bucky looks at me and nods.

"We leave at tomorrow at 0600." Steve finishes. We all disperse to various different places. I follow Steve into his room and sit down on his bed.

"You're leaving me." I say sadly.

"I'm sorry Wanda, Natasha and Sam are the best suited for this job. Besides, I want you to be safe." I turn away so he doesn't see the tears brimming behind my eyes.

"But what about your safety." I whisper under my breath.

"Wanda, what's wrong?" He comes and sits down beside me.

"What if you get hurt? What if, what if your killed." He pulls me into his chest. I inhale his scent.

"Wanda, I won't be killed, because I have someone to come back to." I look up at him and touch his cheek.

"You're beard is coming in well." I say stroking his cheek.

"I know, it's definitely different."

"I like it." He smiles. I enjoy the ease of this moment. After a little bit I ask him a question.

"When did you start falling in love with me?" He looks thoughtful and then tells me,

"The day Peggy died." I cough. He gives me a look. "You didn't let me finish. As I was saying, that day was a rough one. That night, I was weeping in my room and you came in. You held me while I sobbed. I remember you sang me a Sokovian lullaby.

"I realized that the last bit of myself from the 40s was gone. I was free now. I wasn't the same man anymore. I wasn't tied to the people from the past anymore. I knew Bucky was out there, but he wasn't the same. I thought about Peggy and I realized that she would have wanted me to be happy. She would have wanted me to let go and find someone else to love. And I did. After that realization, I saw you. You had put aside your grief and your guilt to come comfort me. I never forgot about your compassion that night. I always had loved you, but at first it was a brotherly sort of love. But after you fought by my side and how you endured the cost of that action, well I fell for you hard. I love you Wanda." He leans down and kisses me. A tear rolls down my cheek.

"What is it doll?" He asks.

"I just, I've never believed I deserved love from any man. Sure I know Pietro loved me, but that's because he was my brother. I don't think Vision loved me. I guess," before I can continue Steve pulls me to him.

"Wanda." He just says my name.

"You deserve love, and you have it. I love you." He takes my face in his hands. He kisses my cheek and says,

"I love you." He does the same to the other cheek.

"I love you." He kisses my forehead.

"I love you." And finally he kisses my lips.

"I love you." He smiles down at me.

"I love you too." I say and I give him a weak smile. "Come back to me Steve. That's an order." He gives me a playful salute.

"Yes ma'am."

"I mean it, dummy." The dang tears are back and on the verge. I don't know why I'm all weepy and scared all of a sudden.

"I know doll. I will, promise." I nod and I leave him to pack.

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