Chapter 4: First encounter

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Y/n POV:

You dreamt that you were in an open field of nothingness, as you best described it. There was grass of course, white, strands of it swayed benevolently with the young, open wind somehow. Where did the wind even come from? You averted your gaze from the pasture and looked beyond your peripheral vision to regard two sunless figures, seemingly competing with your height and winning exceedingly, looming over you with an intimidating demeanour despite the lack of facial expression. From further inspection, you could comprehend a pair of wings settled gently behind one of said shadows and the latter with miniature horns as an accessory to the tail dangling in a swift motion with the wind, (seriously, where was this wind coming from?) much relatable to yours to which you felt weren't in attendance at the moment. Their half-lidded eyes gushed soulful tears of yellow from their sclera down to their cheeks as their proceeded to stare into whatever abyss. One would run in fear for their life and for once in your life, your instincts carried your legs the opposite way, seemingly with no effort at all. Sprinting swiftly in a fluid motion, almost feeling light at this point you ran onto the turf that seemed to be endless. Anywhere was safer than there, you mused. You wanted to turn your head, anticipated to see whether they were on your tail yet. (Despite not feeling your tail recently, and if they were, that would hella hurt) But you couldn't afford to care, maybe it was apprehension or fear that strenuously terminated the idea of risking utter horror that they had reached the end point and were ready to drag you back into the ink puddle. You physically couldn't turn your head around. You felt your senses overridden by fear, numbing out all the traits in your subconscious mind.

You ran away, but ...

The strange noises ...

The endless white ...

They followed everywhere you went, as persistent as the shadows ...

And you couldn't escape ...

Darkness engulfed you, embraced you, enveloped you, suffocated you ...

Distant shouts ... echoing yells ... ... blowing in your left ear

- Wait what?

You then felt light-headed, overwhelming heat surged through every fibre in your body until the darkness fully consumed your being and there was nothing left but pitch black. You didn't even stop running, it was like your brain was on auto-pilot and the void was trying to eat up the rest of your physical self until it was your mental sanity left to be consumed. But not long afterwards, light finally reached your eyes, as if a rift was opening once again to reveal a safe haven for your peaceful mind to digress in peaceful arms wrapped around your mid-section.

"MISS, ARE YOU ALRIGHT? BROTHER, SHE'S SHE FEELS VERY HOT AND YOU CAN'T KEEP BLOWING FOREVER, YOU LOOK MORE PALE THAN A SKELETON, WHEN WILL SHE WAKE UP?" To his credit, you did feel a tad less hot than before, minus the ticklish feeling of said person blowing into your ear that sent a chill up your spine. Additionally, the voice that abused your eardrums sounded familiar.

"Bro I'm trying!" Potentially ignoring the statement from earlier.

Your eyes fluttered open within a short few seconds regaining consciousness. Inwardly wincing to yet another breeze coming through your left ear. You turned your head to meet a rather flustered if not small skeleton, bleary-eyes trained on his hands as he took a lungful of air before lifting his head up. Quickly pressing a finger against his .. teeth? You stopped him from proceeding any further. Therefore noticing the ink substance that had miraculously vanished from your arms.

"NYEH? MISS! IT IS GREAT YOU ARE AWAKE NOW, COULD YOU PLEASE GET OFF ME NOW? MY LEGS ALL FALLING ASLEEP" You then noticed that you were indeed leaning onto his form and scrambled to your feet rather abruptly, retracting your hand back to you before proceeding to face plant both hands on your face, flustered from embarrassment. Turning your gaze away from your hands that slid down to your cheeks, you looked down to meet a skeleton, smaller than the previous. This one wore a bulky sweater, an oversized sailor hat ... you think ... you didn't really know, you were never a materialistic kind of person. He wore a scarf tucked neatly around him ... they looked comfortable, something you approved of greatly. Considering the fact that you now regained your senses, a cold chill quickly ran up your spine down to your exposed legs. You shivered greatly and your teeth chattered away constantly until you felt something droop onto your shaken form, instantly hugging the warmth of whatever fabric had clung onto you, pulled it over your shoulders.

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