Chapter 5: A Clean Slate

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The street bustled with enthusiasm, the artificial stars shined elegantly from above as well as the inhabitants who chattered and chirped their way into the shops of all different species as well as other monsters. The tiny tents stood on either side of the street obediently, waiting for potential buyers for goods or for chat, either was bearable for it seemed time slowed as well as the dying chatter. There was always time in the world to make friends, they had time, not that there was much to do underground.

Well, except for maybe 2. Possibly 3 individuals. From ones point of view, you would think that maybe the latter was lost and was just stumbling on their two gaunt, lanky legs to try comprehend how to escape this damned bear trap of monsters. After all, they were human. A human that surpassed the nonplus glances and expressions passing monsters wore for periods of time.

Small beads of sweat dripping from their foreheads with exasperated breath. Or that they were trying. Empathise on trying. To keep up with the 2 individuals up ahead who were practically power walking towards a singular, if not significant and superior building amongst the underground. The Palace.

One could tell, that they had no time to dawdle in the affairs of passing bystanders or owners of wagons screaming prices like auctioneers. Their minds set on their designated area from the expression they held even from far away, monsters already forecasting the disappointment in their eyes when they would be turned away from the group of guards upfront the entrance. They couldn't be that determined after all. Owners and bystanders now screaming sympathy for the poor human who was trailing behind them in a tired, fatigued motion. No determination in them to keep on going.

The former pair stood high when stopping at a slow pace at the front of the palace doors, despite the contrast between them. A small, lean dinosaur monster and a tall, raw-boned skeleton, as he was supposed to be. The human from earlier, tolerable height between the two, only a few inches taller than the dinosaur finally caught up with them, glowering at them dismissively, not eager or intent in listening to the upcoming converse.

Two royal guardsmen approached expectantly at the 3. A continuous routine they had pulled on every monster who had strived their path to try get past the doors of the Dreemurs, only to be dismissed passive aggressively out into the marketplace which one particular human did not admire the idea of. They hoped it wouldn't lead into any physical conflict nonetheless.

"Stop right there, sir. The King and Queen are not available to attend to your needs at this moment." Spoke one of them authoritatively. "For the safety of the kingdom, the castle entrance will be temporarily closed." Another spoke, but with a bit more sympathy etched into his tone. Not knowing who it was intended towards. Not that the human cared or noticed who was too irritant at this point to even acknowledge the presence around them.

"IT'S BECAUSE OF THAT HUMAN CHILD THAT APPEARED IN OUR WORLD, ISN'T IT? WELL ... TURNS OUT ..." Spoke the skeleton, the hat that tilted over slightly, lifting up to reveal the ominous look he held as his words trailed off.


"A doctor, you say?"Spoke a female goat monster. Long, droopy ears hung sadly to the shoulder down as the tiny crown placed delicately on her head flared and the brims
Of her dress wavered from the movement.
"We have not requested the services of any doctor" A male goat monster spoke, hesitance and confusion dripping in his tone. A smaller breed of the two former monsters sat on his fathers lap, arms clasped playfully around a ball he held.

"I know, your highness ..." A guard spoke, obvious his voice tongue tied from what he was conjuring to say next, uncertainty in his voice towards his majesties. He knelt down, averting eyes away from the supreme entities from his vision, not that they could tell from the helmet that he wore would expose him in any way, a sweating mess from the inside and out like the human was, but proceeded when thinking back to the subject at hand. You.

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