Chapter 6: Introductions

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Howdy! I'm Asriel, and this is my brother, Frisk. What's your name? A small Asriel barked benevolently.

"I'm sans" said person put a thumb pointedly at himself with a toothy grin.

"AND I'M PAPYRUS, NICE TO MEET YOU" a smaller skeleton interjected quickly with enthusiasm.

"My name is Y/n, hello again, Asriel" You smiled genuinely, looking towards the little group formed to once again find another cute but familiar dork with you.

Being naive or being totally ignorant to the obvious looks deadpanned at you to the audio log in hand.

Wow. For kids barely your physical age (well, mentally the jury's on that one) this is nerve wracking.

Actually, now that you think about it further along, this seems pretty pathetic.

You trek away from your train of thought or rather jolt a bit from the converse that revived itself again suddenly.

Jeez, Y/n. You really need to stop spacing out.

"Nice to meet you again, Y/n! Mommy, can they play with us in our room?" Little Asriel replied energetically, much to the pain in your head that transpired suddenly. "Of course, my children. But once you have finished, please pick up your toys, alright?" Toriel humbly replied. She, along with Asgore and XGaster stood together holding cups of tea in hand already in the midst of their own conversation. XGaster was more humble, his spine straight and firm with his face expressionless as always.

From what you've learned and gathered from the previous "timeline" whatever that was and the present one now, XGaster hardly ever shows any other emotion than ... that. If you can even call it an emotion.

Anyways, if any other emotion he can muster up shows ... you're screwed. It might as well make you melt into an puddle of ink or dust from the burning gaze or daggers at whoever his victim was.

Or at least, that's how you felt whenever around him. Now that your small and he's tall and now under his care.

Yeah, your definitely not making it out alive.

"SANS,PAPYRUS ... Y/N" XGaster's expression turned stern immediately, eyes locked onto the trio as the two former pairs faces become crestfallen at the mention of his voice. You just glared daggers back, not that your pout or present form would make him turn back and gulp down his non-existent throat and rethink his decisions wisely about mentioning your name.

Maybe it worked since he took some time to echo his thoughts aloud before speaking again. Probably to reprimand you for your own lost in thought again. "PLAY NICE AND DO NOT FORGET YOUR MANNERS" he spoke plainly, his tone was softer than the previous firm one. Sans and Papyrus lit up again before either running or walking happily with Asriel to his room, shouting:

"yes, sir!"


"Let's go Frisk!"

Said person stood there with no expression on his face, just looking towards the descending trio down the judgment hall before whisking himself away from you.

And judging by XGaster's stern look again, you decided not to dawdle and gallop towards the group.

Maybe now would not be a good time to talk with Frisk at the moment. You learned from earlier before from your last visit about his favourite foods but it wasn't enough to explain this whole demeanour that was playing out before you. Instead, you walked beside him in a collected state after gaining up on him.

Seriously, is everyone here just power boosted by drugs or some weird substance is it just your crumpling, lanky form trifling you?

You guess you'll never know, or the future that'll play out later

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