•° ONE °•

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October 2020

There was an icy chill in the air as Namjoon entered the code for the gate. Winter was setting in, and he knew it was only going to get colder as the days would go on. The gate buzzed open, and he walked through it, closing it behind him and waiting for the lock to click, then climbed the steps. He made a mental note in his head to ensure someone properly gritted them during the winter, so there were no accidents. With both Namjoon and Mika being rather accident prone, it was only a matter of time before one of them would slip and go flying down on them.

When he reached the door, he entered the code and immediately felt the heat from inside the building as he walked in. He dropped his bag onto the bench in the hallway and took his coat off, hanging it up, then slipped his shoes off. As he was putting his slippers on, 2 cats came running up to him. He smiled as he saw them and lifted the smaller one up.

"Hello Miss Evie." He cooed as the cat cuddled into his neck, "Where is your mama?"

The 2 cats greeting him when he would come in was becoming a regular occurrence now, and it made him smile. Evie would cuddle him a lot and usually sat on his lap when he watched tv while Penny was slowly accepting him. She no longer would sit between Mika and Namjoon as if keeping him away from her and would allow him to pet her, on her own terms, of course! He began making his way down the corridor, with Evie still cuddled into him and Penny following behind.

Namjoon walked into the enormous kitchen to see Mika at the stove. She was dancing on the spot as she stirred the food she was cooking and singing along to the music that was playing. He watched her lovingly; he loved seeing her like this, so happy and carefree.

When her tour finished at the end of July, she announced she was taking a 1-year hiatus to rest from the tour and she moved straight to Seoul. She had bought the house in Hannam the Hill as she fell in love with it instantly. The soundproof recording room was bigger than she was expecting. It had room for all her recording equipment, her keyboards, guitars and ukuleles.

Katie, Sara and her parents all lived nearby and she would often see them while she was out. She loved the fact that she got to experience bumping into her family on days out instead of being on tour, or locking herself in rooms to write, record and produce. She often visited Namjoons parents as well, going on days out with his mom. Mika had also developed a close relationship with Areum, Namjoon's sister as well since the move.

Millie still lived in America, she was now a manager to a popular group. The work experience she had with Mika in 2015 had paid off and she had worked her way from PA to a fully fledged manager, which had always been her goal and dream job. She had been with her boyfriend Harry for 2 years now and was very loved up.

After Minho from SHINee gave Mika his number for Millie, they had gone on a few dates, had what they could only describe as a fling, as well as a few occasions together whenever she was in Korea over the years. Then she met Harry at work when he produced an album with the band she managed. They fell for one another quickly and moved in after 2 months together. Her family and Mika thought they were moving too fast, but they couldn't deny how perfect they were for one another, and the fact Harry had learned Korean as well showed his love and dedication for her.

Julie was now living in Italy with her fiancée, Sophia. Both of them being artists, Julie was an illustrator while Sophia was a painter so they had moved around a lot and lived in many countries, but they felt very settled and at home in Italy, so bought a home there.

With Mika happy in Seoul, all the sisters were content and settled down in their lives. She was enjoying having free time, being able to do what she wanted without having to stick to a very tight schedule. She spent her days learning to cook traditional Korean dishes with Sara, her mom and Namjoon's moms help, going for walks and 'namjooning' as his fans called it, writing lyrics with zero pressure and just being in one place. Her record company had 3 artists signed to the label now and was thriving.

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