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November 2020

Country singer Mika Park was spotted leaving a top private doctor's clinic in Seoul, holding a maternity folder. Our Dispatch reporter spotted the singer with her BTS boyfriend of 3 years RM, real name Kim Nam-Joon. The American singer recently announced she was taking a long break at the end of her most recent tour and would live in Seoul for the time being to be closer to her family who live in South Korea. It seems there was another reason for her sudden decision to move here, as the maternity folder proves the singer is expecting a baby with the idol. How will the band's loyal ARMY fans take the news that their leader is going to be a dad?

Mika looked at the photos from the previous day, and it was clear as day. It was them, and she held that folder. Why did she not put it inside her bag? The next photo was a pixelated zoomed in photo of the folder. It was then she noticed they took this from the private garage inside the doctor's clinic. They hadn't been outside the building at all, which meant the person who took the photos was inside there.

She felt sick as she threw her phone down onto the counter and running her fingers through her hair. She turned the stove off as her oatmeal was now burning on the hot hob. She picked up her phone and called Namjoon. She feared how he would react to the news, especially as they had been planning to make the engagement announcement later that day. He answered after a couple of rings, out of breath, probably from dancing.

"Hey baby, everything ok?" he asked as she heard the guys laughing in the background

"Not really, we have a problem." She said, biting her nails.

"What's happened?" he asked. She heard the background get quieter.

"Dispatch has leaked the pregnancy." She said, trying to hold back the tears.

"What the fuck? How the fuck did fucking Dispatch find out?" he asked, his voice rising slightly.

"Joon, what is it?" she heard Jin ask

"They had someone inside the doctor's private garage yesterday. They got photos of us leaving and going into the car. I am sorry, it's my fault. I didn't put the maternity folder inside my bag, and it is in the photos. Please don't be mad at me." She cried.

"Baby, don't cry. I am not mad at you; I am mad at the reporters. How the fuck did they even get inside there?!" he said, calming down.

Namjoon relayed to the guys what Mika had told him. Jimin immediately searching for the article. He showed it to Namjoon, who sighed as he saw the photos of him and Mika in what was a private and happy moment. It felt like an awful invasion of privacy. They were smiling at one another and holding hands. He was furious. A happy moment was turned into this.

"I am going to go talk to Sejin and Bang PD right now. See what we can do. Taehyung is here. Do you want to talk to him?" he asked her, not wanting to leave her alone.

"Yes." she whispered

"Mimi, don't cry." Taehyung said as he heard her crying

"I am so angry at myself Tae, why didn't I just put the fucking folder inside my bag before I walked into that garage? I know what the media are like, they are vultures. I should have been more careful." She sniffed.

"Dispatch is the worst for these things. They'll do anything to break a story or cause a scandal, including breaking into places such as private garages. It is an invasion of privacy. It is not your fault at all." He replied.

"Namjoon is going to be so mad at me for this." She sighed.

"Yah, Namjoon hyung is not mad at you at all so you get that thought out your head right now." He said.

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