•° TWO °•

144 12 3

October 2020

The en-suite bathroom light was giving the darkened bedroom a soft glow. Namjoon opened his eyes slightly to see that Mika was no longer beside him. He looked briefly at the clock on Mikas side of the bed to see it was just after 5am. He figured she was at the toilet since the light was on and the door was partially closed so turned over and closed his eyes to go back to sleep. It was then he heard muffled coughing coming from the bathroom. He jumped out of bed quickly and ran to the bathroom to find Mika sitting on the floor with her head hanging over the toilet.

"Oh baby, are you ok?" he asked going down beside her and rubbing her back

"Yeah." She replied sitting back against the wall

"How long have you been in here for?" he asked

"Started about an hour ago, every time I thought I was done another wave hit me. I am feeling a bit better now though. I think I've got most of it out my system." She answered

"Well, you did eat some really spicy food last night and you know how your stomach does not like that." he replied chuckling lightly

"Yeah I know, my body always rejects it." She said

Mikas tolerance for spicy and hot food was well known to her friends and family. It was a source of teasing, something they would play around with, asking her if she wanted the kids meals at restaurants as they were less spicy while she would pout and tell them to fuck off. Mika laughed too before suddenly leaning forward to be sick again. Namjoon grabbed her hair to keep it off her face and gently stroked her back.

"There you go." He said soothingly

"Fuck, I am never making Agu Stew again!" she replied sitting back once more

Namjoon stood up to wet a washcloth with warm water before softly cleaning her face for her. Mikas lips pouting slightly as she looked at him with her big green eyes. His heart could not help but melt when she looked at him like this.

"But I liked it!" he replied

"Fine, I will make it for you but I will not be eating it again!" she chuckled, "Ok I think I am done being sick." She added after a few minutes

Namjoon hooked an arm underneath her knees, the other around her back and lifted her off the floor as she protested she had legs and could walk herself but still nuzzled her face into the side of his neck and smiled. He placed her gently in bed before going to get her water from the fridge. Evie following behind him, giving him little meows in the hopes he would give her treats, which of course he did. He always did and the little cat knew it too.

"Don't tell your mama." He whispered as he placed a few treats on the floor for her

He smiled as she ate the treats while purring happily. When he returned upstairs to the bedroom Penny was cuddled into Mika as she was slowly closing and opening her eyes. He could see how tired she was.

"Drink some of this." He said in a soft tone opening the bottle for her

He held it to her mouth as she took a couple of sips before lying back against the fluffy pillows. He smiled once more at the number of pillows around her. It always amused him that she slept with 3 pillows while he was happy with just the one. He placed the water bottle on her bedside table and got into bed beside her, watching her as she gradually fell asleep, only going to sleep himself when he heard her soft snores begin.

The following morning Mika was still asleep when he woke up. After he came out of the shower the bed was empty but he could hear the TV on downstairs. So he brushed his teeth, got dressed, fixed his hair and made his way down the stairs. Mika was lying on the sofa wearing the hoodie that once belonged to him, the hood covering her head and a thick blanket over her petite body.

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