Chapter 26

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One the way back to Gabriel's house, Sam was drumming his fingers against the arm rest along the door. Gabriel could hear it depending on how loud the music was. "I recognize the beat, but I can't place it," he shook his head.

"You got that one song stuck in my head."

"Really, now?" He grinned, "Is it the 'macaroni in a pot, that's some' -"

"No." He cut him off, hoping not to hear any more of it. "No, the good one. The... " he began humming, hoping that would work better. "Something something jealousy."

"Jealousy, turning saints into the sea,"

"That one!" Sam sat forward, "What's that called?"

"Mr. Brightside? I sang it, 'Cause I'm Mr. Brightside,"

"I couldn't remember what you said. But just that little bit has been repeating again and again since the Cafe."

Gabriel chuckled. "Nice."

Sam tapped it into the car again and again until he thought he'd leave an imprint on the material. He watched the buildings pass quickly until there was nothing left but trees. His knee began bouncing anxiously as he watched for Gabriel's little house to appear in the field. The second they pulled up, Sam's door was open before the car even stopped.

"Jeez, what are you all excited about?" Gabriel kicked the door shut behind him and fished out his keys. Sam waited at the door, fidgeting with his fingers. Gabriel unlocked the door and Sam dashed inside.

Sam got an odd stare from Gabriel, who shut the door. Sam tore his shirt off, tossing it to the ground. "Take this damn thing off!" He whined desperately.

Gabriel searched for the end of the bandages. "I told you to tell me-"

"Stop. No, I wanted you to, I did it to myself. And I wasn't uncomfortable the whole time, but it began hurting in the car. Just get it off already, for a few hours."

Gabriel pinched the end of the bandage and pulled it out, unwrapping it from around Sam. As it loosened, Sam looked more and more delighted, his wings pulling themselves out the rest of the way. He signed, stretching them. Many feathers floated to the ground and Sam rubbed away the disgusting feeling of the bandage over his chest.

"Jesus," he whispered, picking up his shirt. No way he could put it on again with the wings.

"Please pick up the feathers you've left all over the house, I'm gonna go to the lab, I'll call you in when I need you."

"Yep," he responded as he began gathering the white fluffiness scattered among the floor. Gabriel headed off, the giant door closing behind him. Sam piled all the feathers into the garbage in the kitchen,

*     *     *

It began nearing seven thirty. Sam was walking around outside, since no one ever passed. With the chance of Gabriel walking out at any moment, he decided not to mess around. So he walked around and around, letting the breeze drift through his pain-weighted wings. It was when he was free of the eager despair of being holed up, he felt free outside.

The ground was soft beneath his shoes, the light green blades bending with the wind. He watched some feathers drift away, disappearing into the horizon. He stepped into the shade of a tree and gazed into the warming gaps of light around him. The sun peeked through the leaves, speckling his face. Sunset was beginning, and it was beautiful.

"You explore like you'd never experienced nature," Gabriel appeared from nowhere, bearing a half-eaten sucker in his left hand. He popped it into his mouth, grinning toothless at Sam. Slowly, their gazes met.

Sam held out an arm, beckoning for Gabriel to come closer. He obeyed, standing beside him and facing the sun. Sam wrapped his wing around Gabriel, holding him close.

The sun painted their faces as the sky turned a crisp gold. It matched Gabriel perfectly. Sam didn't know which sight was prettier: the sunset or the small boy next to him. The air grew cooler as they stood and watched the sun fall behind the horizon line, the blue fading away as night was beginning to blanket their side of the earth.

"I would watch the sunsets with Dean as a kid," Sam said, hypnotized by the mix of colors, "Dad never wanted us to go out, but he was always out, so we didn't have to worry about him. We'd sit on top of Dean's car- or what would be his car- and just wait for darkness. We'd sit there, ever so quietly, the crickets coming out and chirping at us. I'd get mosquito bite and Dean would always have a way to stop any pain I had. He wouldn't worry about himself, or what Dad would do to him if he found out."

Silence filled the gap between them before Gabriel pushed it away. "Cas would paint the sunset. I'd have his paintings in my living room, if he didn't sell them all. It was always paint, sell, paint, sell. He never wanted to keep anything, and every painting would only have minor changes. Yet, the first was completely different than the last. He changed one thing at a time until everything was different. I'd thought he was going insane until I finally figured it out."

Stars twinkled out in the sky, where the light began to fade. Sam had always wanted to reach out and touch one, just for a moment. He never forgot that, and then laughed at himself when he found out that he'd die going anywhere near them. Maybe one day I can go to Saturn, He wished as a kid. But that's just another stupid dream, he knew.

"We should get back inside and tuck these away," Sam lifted a wing. He was still watching the last of the sun fade away as it dragged the night closer.

Gabriel patted Sam's lower back, heading off toward the house. "Then let's get going."

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