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A/N: this story does have selfharm. not in every chapter but will be in some.

My name is Journey and I live with my mom. My dad and brother left, I had an older sister but she killed herself. I am sitting in McDonalds, my favourite place to be, drinking a strawberry banana smoothie. I scroll through my Twitter feed and I don't know why, but I look up and see a guy. he's wearing a Batman shirt, black skinny jeans that are ripped at the knees. he happened to look at me and he looks like Andy Biersack. I go back to Twitter, then switch over to my favourite, Tumblr.

Andy's POV:

As I was standing in line at McDonalds I looked around and noticed a girl sitting at one of the raised two seater tables. maybe I'll go talk to her. I look away distracted by a group of girls who were loud and mean. talking about people and not in a nice way. I look back over at the girl, she was looking at me. I can just make out 'Black Veil Brides' on her shirt. After I get my order I walk up to her.

"Is this seat taken?" I ask. she looks up.

"No" she said quietly.

"Can I join you?"

"If you want" she says. I smile, and sit down. I watched as she took a sip from her smoothie and she just looked so cute.

"What's your name?" I ask. she was really pretty.

Journeys POV:

"Journey. and you are Andy" I say, BVB is my favourite band so I can recognize them.

"That's a pretty name" he said

"Thanks. My dad gave it to me" I said looking out the window.

"So, you like Black Veil Brides?" He asks

"No" I say. he looks confused "I love them" I say. he lets out a little laugh.

"So coming to the concert tomorrow night?" He asks

"Yeah. going to try. my best friend Alexis and I are going" I say

"Awesome" he says "I'll try and find you"

"Good luck with that" I say

Andy's POV:

Journey put her phone down on the table, unlocked and I notice her background is me. I grab her phone and stand up.

"Where are you going with my phone?" She asks. I smile and walk over to her and take a selfie with her. I look at the picture and it's so cute. I change her background the put myself in her contacts and I send a massage to my phone so I can have her number. I give her phone back to her and watch her reaction, cause I left it on the text massage. her mouth dropped open and looks up at me.

"What?" I ask

"I'm dreaming" she says "must be a dream"

I text her back, then add her into my phone and put Journey, with a little red heart emoji.

Journey POV:

I can't believe I have Andy freaking Biersacks number. best day of my life. I look at the time, shit I have to get going my mum is going to be pissed.

"Andy I'm sorry but I have to get home" I say.

"Want a ride?" He asks

"No it's fine, I don't live that far" I say

"I'll drive you home" he says more in a sturn tone.

"Okay fine" I say

We leave and after typing my address into the built in GPS, Andy starts driving. I look through his CDs. I pull out we stitch these wounds, my favourite album, well it's a tie with set the world on fire.

I put on Knives and Pens, my favourite song and also the first song I heard from them.

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