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After our stay at my parents, we are back home and it's 11:48 PM and Journey is so tired she is barely keeping her eyes open. we head to bed and Journey is out as soon as her head touches the pillow. I smile and since she is still wearing her leggings and my kiss shirt. I take off her socks first then tackle the shirt, taking off was fairly easy and he bra followed I quickly pulling over one of my BVB -shirts. I struggle with her leggings but get them off, and slip on her short shorts. I then take off my shirt and slip off my sweatpants, pulling on my batman PJ pants and crawling in behind her. I quickly fall asleep, holding her warm body to mine. I smell her hair and it smells of pink grapefruit, I would do anything to have her forever.

I wake in the morning, Journey still fast asleep in my arms. this is odd, nice but odd. normally she's up before me. I cuddle with her for five more minutes then get up. I'm make some pancakes and bacon, her favourite breakfast. since we have only been dating a few months I'm going to wait before proposing, maybe till it's been a year. I look at my phone and see its already 10:47 am, wow she's sleeping in. must have been super tired last night. I finish breakfast and put everything on two plates. I add butter and maple syrup then head up to the room. I wake Journey and hand her the plate once she's fairly okay and functioning properly.

"Thanks" she says. a small smile.

Journeys POV:

It was really nice that Andy made breakfast but I'm just not hungry but I know if I say I'm not hungry he will be hurt and worried. I didn't eat much last night and the day before but I just haven't had an appetite. I slowly eat the two pancakes and the four pieces of bacon on the plate. we finish and Andy takes the pates down. I roll out of bed and notice I'm in PJs, strange I don't remember getting changed. Andy probably changed me, that's kinda weird to think about.

I know Andy wouldn't have done anything .. sexual while I was passed the fuck out, but I know he for sure saw my tits. oh well. I head down stairs and turn into the kitchen and opening the fridge, grabbing a can of monster. I head to the couch and sit down, opening it and taking a welcoming sip.

"So what do you want to do today?" andy asks sitting beside me sipping a monster as well.

"Relax" I say and take another sip.

"Sounds good. but I want to take you on a date tonight" he says "I don't think we've had a first date. yet" he adds after a few seconds goes by.

"Okay" I say

The day pasted by faster than I hoped and I was getting ready for our date. I gave myself an hour to get ready, having a shower, makeup, getting dressed then my hair. I finished with 15 minutes till 6:00.

We went to a fairly nice restaurant, it was older and kinda western themed. When you first walk led in there was a cool, I guess you could call it a chandelier, of individual light bulbs hanging on wires, tied a little ways away for the centre where all the wires went into the ceiling. they had a nice set up, dark but really cozy. the restaurant was called "the dancing pig" it was a great name. they had some country music playing quietly.

"It's really nice" I say looking around admiring the place.

"Yeah" he agrees.

"Hello" a waiter says. he was tall but not as tall as Andy, he had blonde hair styled in a quiff. He was quite attractive, but Andy was still more Attractive. no one could compare to Andy, sadly, well not anyone I knew.

"Hello" Andy says

"Table for two?" He asks

"Yup" Andy says

I could read his name tag, Jacob. we get seated and order our drinks, I get a sprite, and Andy gets the same. I look over the menu and settle on chicken strips and sweet potato fries. Andy gets some sort of burger and sweet potato fries. We ate and talked about a few things.

"So. I need to ask you something" he says

"Okay" I say

"I was wondering if you would come on tour with us? I don't want to leave you for a day how would I handle three months? So will your come? I already talked it over with the guys and they want you to come" he says. staring at me, eye pleading for me to say yes.

I want to say yes to him but I cant. I need to get a job and start working, and I know he will say, no you don't have to I make enough money. he said that once before, in sure he'll say it again.

I don't like living off people, especially Andy, it just doesn't feel right. I know he makes lots but that doesn't matter, I hate working but I won't have to take money from him. I think about my answer.

"I don't know" comes out of my mouth.

"Please come with us" he says

"I'll think about it" I say, but I already know my answer. I do want to go but a part of me wants to stay.

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