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A/N: this chapter is going to have detailed sex. if you don't want to read skip to the next chapter, you won't miss anything other then them fucking. People who are reading, hope you enjoy.

I pulled andy to me and kissed him, pulling on his hair.

"Babe don't tease me" andy says breathlessly.

"Who said I was teasing?" I ask

"Here? He asks

"No one comes here, only I do. and would you rather wait till we're home?" I ask

"But how?"

"All I had to do was look down" I say "having dirty thoughts, were you?"

"N-no I was just" he says "okay fine I was and still am"

"Well I can fix that" I say

"Well then let's do this" he says.

He takes off my shirt and looks around for somewhere to up it. I grab it and place it on a saddle. he takes off his and puts it with mine. my hands go to his pants while he kisses me. I shove my hand into his pants and he groans into my mouth as I touch him. I smile to myself and start pulling down his pants and he steps out of then leaving him in this boxers. he starts undoing my jeans. he pulls them down and takes my underwear to. leaving me in my bra. h stands up and takes that off ass well, all our close are piled on on of the saddles. he stats kissing me again and I I feel a hand move down till he reaches my area. he slides in a finger and I let out a moan.

"God your so wet. now who's having dirty thoughts?" He asks as he adds a second finger.

"Andy. please" I moan out.

"What baby? What do you want?" He asks

"You. I want you to fuck me" I say

"With pleasure" he whispers, turning me on even more.

He takes out his fingers.

"Turn around" he says. I do as he says and I put my hands on the wall. I feel his hands on my ass. I next feel him at my entrance,

"Ready?" He asks. I nod "I'm going to fuck you hard and fast. and your going to fucking love it" he says

"I love it when you talk dirty to me" I say

"I'm going to fuck you so fucking hard, the whole world will know my name" he says. "God your dripping wet" he says rubbing against me, getting his cock wet.

"Only for you" I say

"That's right" he says and slams into me, making me cry out in surprise. "you okay?" She asks

"Yeah just wasn't expecting that" I say

He stars to move in and out of me. I moan and he picks up speed, god he feels good. she slams into me over and over again. I moan loudly, feeling something building inside me.

"Andy I'm close" I moan out.

He reaches around and starts rubbing my clit. I moan loudly, fuck this is amazing. I cum and andy follows with two sharp thrusts. I feel him release inside me.

"Andy" I say

"Yeah. babe?"

"We didn't use protection" I say

"Fuck!" He says

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