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I think about changing in the bathroom but Andy will see them anyways so it doesn't matter. I unbutton my pants and I see Andy smile. he walks over to me.

"I'll do it" he says.

"I don't think so" I say, even though I want him to.

"I think you want me to" he says and slips his thumbs into the waist band of my jeans. I don't protest against him. he slowly undresses me.

"God you are beautiful" he says looking at me.

Andy's POV:

Journey is so beautiful and God bless her, she has been through a lot of shit. she covers up her boobs and down there. fuck I want her so bad, but I can't fuck her, yet. I take off my shirt and take off my pants leavening me in my boxers. Journey has put the boxers and shirt I'm lending her. she looks so good in my clothes. she climbs into bed and I climb in on the other side. I turn off the light and lay debating whether or not to cuddle up with her. I decide on cuddling up with her. I move over, and wrap my arms around her, pulling her closer to me. my front is up against her back. she doesn't protest against my actions so I think it's okay.

Journeys POV:

I felt Andy's arms pull me closer to him. I liked being in his arms, I felt safe like nothing could ever hurt me again. I fell asleep. I wake up and look at my phone. 3:02 AM. great. I slip out of bed not waking Andy up and leave the room. I sit in the front lounge area, I have problems sleeping and it all started when my sister died.

Andy's POV:

I wake up, at I have no idea what time it is but Journey is not in bed. where is she? I get up and walk out to the front of the bus and no one was there. what the? Did she leave? I heard crying. I followed the sound and it was coming from the bathroom. I knock on the door and hear something drop on the floor.

"Yeah?" She asks

"Are you okay?" I ask

"Yeah" she says

"Can you come out?" I ask. there's no reply. "Journey, what are you doing?" she doesn't answer again. I knock on the door again, "Journey please open the door" I say. I hope she's not fucking cutting. since the door doesn't have a working lock cause someone broke it, I open the door and I see Journey.

"What's wrong babe?" I asks crouching down. she bites her lip and looks away from me. "why were you crying?"

"It's nothing. don't worry about it" she says

"Don't lie to me" I said "I know something is wrong and it kills me to see you like this"

"I had a nightmare" she says

"Awe, it's okay. it's not real" I say

"But it was" she says and starts sobbing.

"Awe. come here. lets go back to bed" I say. she shakes her head, no. "why?" I ask

"It's not important" she says and leaves the bathroom. I run my hand through my hair. then stand up and follow after her. she is on the couch staring out the window.

"Journey, please come back to bed with me" I say. "please?"

"No" she says

"What if I do this?" I ask kissing behind her ear. "or this?" I pull her up. "what if I picked you up and carried you to bed? Then you have no choice" I say

"I could always just get up again" she says

"Why would you leave? You don't like me cuddling with you?" I ask

"No it's just" she says "I don't sleep"

"What?" I ask

"Every time I try and sleep I always wake up from a nightmare" she says

"Well think about this before you go to sleep" I say then kiss her gently on the lips. she kisses me back. I pull away.
"Okay. I'll try" she says.
"Good. lets go to sleep, im tired" I say and grab her hand. i lead her back to bed and i cuddle up with her and I fall asleep holding her close to me.

I wake up, and Journey is trying to get out of bed so I pull her back so she falls back into bed. she giggles.

"Morning babe" I say snuggle up to her and kiss her.

"Morning" she says

"Where are you going?" I asks

"To get food" she says "wanna come with me?"

"Can we cuddle for a bit longer?" I ask

She cuddles up with me

"Only a few minutes"she says

"Okay" I say

After a few minutes we get up and we get dressed and leave the bedroom. No one is up, yet. she makes a hot chocolate while I make a coffee.

"You don't drink coffee?" I ask
"No" she says

"Journey? What are you doing here?" Ashley asks

"Well ask Andy that question" I say and Ash looks at Andy.

"Hum.. " andy says "well, it's kinda hard to explain"

"I posted a photo of me on train tracks and Andy showed up and brought me here" I say

"Oh. why were you on train tracks?" Ash asks

"I go there to clear my mind" I say

"Of what?" Ash asks

"My life at my house is not easy" I say

"What do you mean?" Ash asks

"My mum is a drunk, and I'm always the one to be blamed when something goes wrong" I say

"Awe. I'm sorry honey" he says and hugs me.

"Thanks" I say. not knowing what else to say. my phone starts ringing so I answer it quickly with out looking at the caller ID.

"Hello" I say

"Where the hell are you?!" My mum yells and I'm sure the guys heard her.

"Hanging with friends" I say


"Does it really matter?" I ask

"Yes" she says

"Well it doesn't matter who I'm with" I say

"Yes it does cause if your with a guy who could-" she yells through the phone. I have to hold it arms length away. "- are you even listening to a word I'm saying?!"

"Yeah. no, not really. and my friends can hear you and before you ask you are not on speakerphone" I say

"If you are with a guy I will chop off his balls!" She yells

"If I was with a guy and you did that, you'd never see me again" I say

"That's it I'm done with you! Get your shit out of my house and don't come to me if you have problems!"

"Well we'll be a better family to her then you have ever been!" Andy says then hangs up the phone. my jaw just drops.

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