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Andy's POV:

I couldn't sleep, Journey fell asleep almost as soon as we got into bed. I just can't stop thinking about what I heard.

They don't love each other. there to young. and he's way to old for her. he's going to leave her, he's in a band and he probably already has cheated on her. he's not good, and where's this I love you. they don't know what love it. Journey should still be in school. like at do they do? Nothing. Heather said it all, almost every word other then her dad agreeing. witch hurt. you know I was thinking about asking asking him if I could propose to her but now, I don't even know if we should be together. they have given me second thoughts.

"Andy don't leave me" Journey mumbles in her sleep. "please. I love you" she says. she starts crying? I wake her up and she hugs me tightly

"What's wrong babe?" I ask

"Y-y-you left me a-and said you d-didn't w-want anything to do with me" she sobs into my chest.

"Awe. babe I'm not leaving" I say. "I promise" I say

She calmed down and went back to sleep but I still cont sleep. I did walk myself into this, I should have listened to Journey. she told me again and again there not nice, I really though they would be okay nice not. now I know why she doesn't talk to her dad, and when she does it's just to see how things are going. when I'm a dad, I'm not going to be like him. I want to be there for my kids and love them. I want to be like my dad, supporting me and is there. doesn't fucking talk shit about family members and they really want to meet Journey in person. they have been asking to meet her ever since I told them about her. I love my parents so much, and Journey just doesn't care about hers. then again I can kinda see why. they don't support her, they don't even care that she left. I don't know when she talked to her mum last.

It must be hard having parents who don't really care. I'm not going to be like that, I'm going to be there for my kids and support them. I wonder what's going to happen next? Like in a year. Will me and Journey still be together? Will we gore old together? How many kids are we going to have? I want at least 2, maybe three. 2-4 kids would be nice. I wonder how many kids Journey wants? What if she doesn't want kids? Well I she is only 16. when is her birthday?!

A week later we land in Ohio, and get off the plane. we grab our bags and I see my parents. I give my mum a hug first then my dad.

"Oh. we've missed you so much!" My mum says "oh. and look at you! Your so beautiful"

"Thanks" Journey says.

"Mum dad. this is Journey, journey my mum and dad" I say giving the unnecessary introduction. this is the first time Journey and my parents have meet in person. they have met through Skype calls.

We head to my parents house and I give Journey a quick little tour of the house. we join my parents in the living room and talk.

"So how did you two meet?" My mum asks

"In a McDonalds" I say


"Yeah. it was pretty odd, but I'm not complaining" I say

"So, journey you haven't said much, how are you?" My dad asks

"Oh. I'm good" she says "you?"

"I'm doing really well" my dad says

I have never seen her this quite, well except for when her brother died. I wonder what's bothering her. I'll ask her later. soon my mum starts making dinner and Journey offers to help but my mum says no. we head up to the spare room, and sit on the bed.

"You seem very quite" I say "what's wrong?"

"It's .. nothing" she says. I know something's wrong.

"Do you not like my parents?" I ask

"No it not that. there very nice" she says

"Tell me what's wrong" I say "please"

Journeys POV:

Nothing is really bothering me, its just I can't help but think about cutting. I miss it, I want to cut so bad. I can't tell Andy I want to cut, what would he say? How would he react?

"Please tell me what's bothering you. it's not healthy to bottle everything up inside. and don't say nothing is wrong cause I know something's wrong. so please tell me" he says

"It's just .. if I tell you .. I don't know if your going to be mad, sad or worse paranoid" I say "or all of them" I say

"Please tell me. I need to know how your feeling" he says

"I miss it" I say

"It? What do you mean it?" He asks

"I miss it. I want to do it, I can't stop thinking about it and I know if I do it you'll probably leave me" I say

"Your thinking of self harming" he asks but it comes out more of a statement.

"Yeah" I say, but it's barely audible.

"I'm just glad you told me" he says and hugs me. Placing a soft, long passionate kiss on my lips.

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