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Journeys POV:

I woke up in Andy's arms, our legs intertwined. he stinks, he needs a shower.

"You need a shower" I say

"Thanks" he says and I know he's smiling. "but so do you" he adds

"I know" I sigh and go to get up but am pulled back by Andy.

"No" he whines

"Andy, let me up" I say

"No. I wanna cuddle"

"But I'm thirsty" I say

"Fine. as long as you get me a drink to" he says. I get up,

"We'll see" I say and walk to the kitchen grabbing two cans of monster and heading back to the couch.

We drink our monsters while asking each other "what if" questions. after were finished I check the time on my phone and see I have to leave.

Andy's POV:

"Babe I have to go. I'll be back later" Journey says.

"Where you going?" I ask

"Just need to go do some stuff" she says and gives me a kiss.

"I can drive you" I say

"It's okay. I'll stick to my skateboard" she says

"Are you sure?" I ask

"Yup" .. "I'll be back in an hour or two" she says and leaves.

Where the hell is she going? Is she seeing someone? Maybe she's looking at places. God damn it! I knew she meant what she said to Jen. What the fuck do I do? I can't have her leave.

For the next hour and a half I talk this over with Ash and he doesn't know what to really tell me other then don't jump to the worse case scenario.

"Andy stop thinking she's leaving you!" Ash snaps through the phone. "She's not leaving you. and she's not fucking cheating on you. do you have any trust in her?"

"Then what's she doing?" I ask

"I don't know but I do know she would NEVER EVER cheat on you or anyone for that fact. and as far as leaving you, I'm 99% sure she's not leaving you"

"There's always a possibility" I say

"Stop thinking the worse. Andy I don't know why you always jump to conclusions and not good ones"

"I don't always jump to conclusions"

"You do it a lot and especially with Journey. stay positive, and don't think about bad things that could happen"

"I'm back!" Journey says

"Gotta go. bye" I say and hang up. "hey beautiful" I say and give her a hug. I wonder what she went and did. I notice her holding papers in her hand. there folded so I can't read anything.

"What did you do?" I ask

"Some important things. don't worry" she says. she heads to the music room.

Later I come down the stairs and she's star fished out on the floor. what is she doing? Wait! I head over and she breathing.

"Relax Andy" she says

"Why are you on the floor?"

"It's comfortable" she says simply

"Hum. what? Okay then. you know we have beds and couches right?"

"Yeah. but sometimes it's just nice to lay on the floor"

"Are you sure your okay?" I ask

Journeys POV:

Don't ask me why I like laying on the floor but I do, it's just one of those really weird things that I do. I'm not telling Andy or anyone that iv started seeing the therapist again. I only told Jen, and that was to see if I should or not. I keep her updated, and talk to her quite a bit. I reacted her telling her how it went an it was pretty good. I don't want anyone else to find out, mostly Andy cause he will worry and ask how it was and how I'm feeling and I just am not ready for him to know yet.

After ten minutes or so of laying on the floor witch was starting to hurt my back I get up and go into the music room and look over the papers I was given. I fill the ones out that need to be filled out, I read and sign. good, I'm all set to go. I put it on the desk and grab the black acoustic guitar. I play around on the guitar and play a few songs. I notice Andy watching me play the last song witch was seven Spanish Angels.

"How long have you been watching me?" I ask

"Not long" he says smiling. "why do you say you have a bad singing voice?" He asks

"I don't know. maybe cause I do" I say

"No you dont. it's really nice" he says "what was that last song you were playing?"

"Seven Spanish Angles" I say

"What are the lyrics?" He asks

I start the song again.

"He looked down into her brown eyes
And said say a prayer for me.
She through her arms around him
And whispered God will keep us free-e
They could hear the rides coming
He said this is my last fight.
If they take me back to Texas,
They won't take me back alive" I look at andy and he's watching me his blue eyes, that are so blue.

"There were seven Spanish angles
at the ultra of the sun.
They were praying for the lovers
In the valley of the gun.
When the battle stopped
And the smoke cleared
There was thunder from the throne.
And seven Spanish angles
Took another angle home.

She reached Down and picked the gun up
That lay smoking in his hand.
She said farther please forgive me.
But I can't make it without my man.
And she knew the gun was empty.
And she knew she could not win.
But her final pray was answered
When the riffles fired again.

There was seven Spanish angles
At the alter of the sun.
They were praying for the lovers
In the valley of the gun.
And when the battle stopped
And the smoke cleared
There was thunder from the throne.
And seven Spanish angles
Took another angle home.

There was seven Spanish angles
At the alter of the sun.
They were praying for the lovers
In the valley of the gun.
And when the battle stopped
And the smoke cleared
There was thunder from the throne.
And seven Spanish angles
Took another angle home" I finished the song and looked over at Andy. his eyes were a bit watery, and sadness filled them.

"You okay?" I ask.

"Who would write that?" He asks "and why do you play it?"

"It's a long story" I say and start trying to learn Maeby by Fearless Vampire killers, they are my new obsession.

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